The Haunted Mansion
For this image of The Haunted Mansion, I started out with a wide-angle photograph of the 'Mansion from front and center in the queue line. ; I then applied some distortion correction using Photoshop's Lens Correction filter then used the distort function of the transform tool to stretch the 'Mansion taller. ; Correcting the converging verticals made it look wide and squat, and by pulling out the roof and lower portion of the image, it becomes a bit more proportionate, and (dare I say)...ominous?
Here is the original image, so you can have a comparison of what I did with this image...
Technical Details: ; Canon 1dMk4, Canon 17-40 L, 1/50 sec, f/5.6, ISO 100
Post Processing: ; Adobe Photoshop CS5 Raw Conversion, Custom Topaz Adjust Blend, with contrast enhancement and vignette
Photo taken 3/31/2012.
The Haunted Mansion, Liberty Square, Magic Kingdom