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  • ddindy
    ddindy replied to the thread upgrades are coming.
    Can you get rid of the "Latest Profile Posts"? I don't think John Wolff will like having his home address plastered on the home screen...
  • Joanie Eddis-Koch
    Joanie Eddis-Koch reacted to ddindy's post in the thread Time to change your clock with Like Like.
    You know the drill.
  • Sean
    Sean replied to the thread upgrades are coming.
    All right so a lot of code changes and we have a much more secure less spammy type of system now in place I had to deactivate a lot of...
  • Sean
    Sean replied to the thread upgrades are coming.
    First set of upgraded completed. Will be applying second set soon.
  • ddindy
    ddindy replied to the thread Time to change your clock.
    You know the drill.
  • ddindy
    ddindy replied to the thread DHS - Citizens of Hollywood.
    Ace Victory springs into action, protecting women and children from seeing the spectacle going on behind him. Ace to the Rescue
  • ddindy
    ddindy replied to the thread Carsland.
    Apparently Radiator Springs limits its population to just 10 to 19 residents. Talk about an exclusive community! There's Room for...
  • ddindy
    Early morning means empty trams heading out to fill up. Leaving Empty
  • mSummers
    mSummers reacted to ddindy's post in the thread Pixelmania West 2025 - RESCHEDULED! with Like Like.
    One of the reasons I rescheduled this to May was to go to Seasons of the Force. Just my luck that the only week I had available falls...
  • ddindy
    ddindy replied to the thread Disneyland - Mickey's Toontown.
    A prosthetic shop run by Peg-Leg Pete? Sounds like the perfect match. Physician, Heal Thyself
  • ddindy
    ddindy replied to the thread DCA - Hyperion Theater.
    Now that the cast has finished congratulating each other, they turn to face the audience. The Entire Cast (Almost)
  • ddindy
    The flowers bloom early in Orlando - especially the dancing flowers in Universal's Superstar Parade. Spring Flower