2/17/2014 - Walt Disney World Dolphin Sunset
We spent my wife’s birthday last year at Epcot then walked over to have an awesome dinner at
IL MULINO at the Walt Disney World Swan. ; Along the way the sun began to set and I could not resist the chance to take a few pictures of the sunset behind the Dolphin from the bridge between Swan and Dolphin and the Boardwalk. ; I have always liked this vantage point as it gives a lovely view of the Dolphin, especially when a wide-angle lens. ; By positioning myself carefully, I was able to shoot between the palm trees to not have any sight obstructions in the frame.
This picture, once again, was made using my Sony NEX-6 using the in-camera, 3 shot HDR mode, handheld. ; The base shot was 1/60 second, the -2 shot was 1/250 seconds, and the +2 shot was 1/15 second.
Post-processing of this image consisted of some adjustments in Lightroom, followed by a bit of OnOne Perfect Effects 8 with a splash of Adobe Photoshop using the overlay blend mode until I got the look that I was seeking. ; I really like using the overlay blend mode to drop down highlights and open up shadows; I paint at full strength and vary the effect using layer opacity.
If you have never stayed at the Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin, you really owe it to yourself to give them a shot. ; Their rooms are clean, comfortable (AWESOME beds), and the hospitality and dining is top notch. ; Check them out at
SWANDOLPHIN.COM and tell them Tim sent you!