The TMIP Picture of the Day Thread



The dragon "topiary" in the water at the China pavilion in Epcot's World Showcase is absolutely incredible. ; It is one of the things I look forward to seeing the most every year I go to the Flower & Garden Festival. ; It even sprays mist from its mouth at random intervals. ; The color and design are simply stunning; you MUST check it out next time you get a chance.

Technical Details: ; Canon 1dMk4, Canon 24-105 L, 1/400 sec, f/4.5, ISO 100
Post Processing: ; Adobe Photoshop CS5 Raw Conversion, Custom Topaz Adjust Blend, with contrast enhacement and vignette
Photo taken 4/3/2012.
China, World Showcase, Epcot
The Roger E. Broggie


; The Walt Disney World Railroad Engine #3, The Roger E. Broggie, sits at the platform of the new Fantasyland Station (formerly the old Mickey's Toontown Fair Station), as passengers board and disembark. ; Among other accomplishments, Roger E. Broggie (Walt's ORIGINAL Imagineer), is known for having developed and constructed the prototype Audio Animatronic (dubbed "Project Little Man") which became a prototype of sorts for the Abraham Lincoln animatronic for the 1964-65 World's Fair, and overseeing the development of the Disneyland Railroad, the Disneyland Monorail and the Matterhorn Bobsleds. ; He was named a Disney Legend in 1990, at which time Michael Eisner said of Broggie's mechanical expertise, "without him, Disneyland wouldn't have happened."
For the complete Disney bio on Mr. Broggie, visit his official Disney Legends page.
Technical Details: ; Canon 5dMk2, Canon 17-40 L, 1/200 sec, f/5.6, ISO 100
Post Processing: ; Adobe Photoshop CS5 Raw Conversion, Custom Topaz Adjust Blend, with contrast enhancement and vignette
Photo taken 4/6/2012.
Walt Disney World Railroad, Fantasyland, Magic Kingdom
The Haunted Mansion


For this image of The Haunted Mansion, I started out with a wide-angle photograph of the 'Mansion from front and center in the queue line. ; I then applied some distortion correction using Photoshop's Lens Correction filter then used the distort function of the transform tool to stretch the 'Mansion taller. ; Correcting the converging verticals made it look wide and squat, and by pulling out the roof and lower portion of the image, it becomes a bit more proportionate, and (dare I say)...ominous?

Here is the original image, so you can have a comparison of what I did with this image...

Technical Details: ; Canon 1dMk4, Canon 17-40 L, 1/50 sec, f/5.6, ISO 100
Post Processing: ; Adobe Photoshop CS5 Raw Conversion, Custom Topaz Adjust Blend, with contrast enhancement and vignette
Photo taken 3/31/2012.
The Haunted Mansion, Liberty Square, Magic Kingdom


am a huge fan of the Epcot Flower & Garden Festival and this year was certainly no different. ; Here is the Snow White topiary, which stood this year along the walkway around World Showcase Lagoon. ; There are at least six different colors in the topiary (red, gray, green, lightblue, darkblue, and white). ; Thanks for looking and have a great day! ;
Technical Details: ; Canon 1dMk4, Canon 24-105 L, 1/6400 sec, f/5.6, ISO 800
Post Processing: ; Adobe Photoshop CS5 Raw Conversion, Custom Topaz Adjust Blend, with contrast enhancement and vignette
Photo taken 4/1/2012.
Germany Pavilion, World Showcase, Epcot
Captain Hector Barbossa


The two-timing captain of the Black Pearl stands this time aboard the deck of the Wicked Wench, taunting and hurling insults at the villagers in his quest to find the illusive Captain Jack Sparrow.

Technical Details: ; Canon 1dMk4, Canon 85 f/1.8, 1/80 sec, f/1.8, ISO 12,800
Post Processing: ; Adobe Photoshop CS5 Raw Conversion, Custom Topaz Adjust Blend, with contrast enhancement and vignette
Photo taken 4/6/2012
Pirates of the Caribbean, Adventureland, Magic Kingdom Park
"Scottwdw" said:
Folks, did you notice the ISO on that one? ; 12,800 and processed clean. ; Great job, Tim.

Yep! ; And I was thinking, how can I get a sensor like that? ; And a better computer? ; And newer software? ; And......

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I took the steam train tour several years ago but left my camera behind, not knowing that it was one of the few tours that allows you to take photos backstage. ; I hope to do it in December before Pixelmania. ; Anyone else interested?
i could be a real possible, right now my plans are to be in wdw tuesday night before pixelmania, plan to fly down after work on last flight from islip, this puts me in mco around 2200 on present schedule. could do this wed am
"ddindy" said:
I took the steam train tour several years ago but left my camera behind, not knowing that it was one of the few tours that allows you to take photos backstage.

I almost did the same thing the first time I took the tour, but fortunately I read somewhere online that cameras are allowed and decided to take mine anyway. ; There is always someone on the tour that didn't bring their camera and is unhappy about it because the folks on the reservation line don't know that you can bring cameras and usually specifically say that cameras aren't allowed on the tour. ;
I really like this idea, especially its a lot tougher to do when the family is with me (Pixelmania will most likely be me only this year). ; How can we work this into the MK Day rotation?