POTD: Flowers

Hey Erich...looks like you might have found yourself a New Zealand Christmas Tree - yet another invasive species to Florida - but a pretty one. ; If it was a large tree, and had those blooms, that's got to be it. ; Formal name is metrosideros excelsa. ; My neighbor has one in his front yard.

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These are stunning! I need to work on my macro photography. For those interested, there is an orchid show this weekend at the Frelinghuysen Arboretum in Morristown, NJ.
For more information click here: http://www.njorchids.org/
I'm not part of the society but saw a poster for it and thought I would share ; :)
"Ryan" said:
These are stunning! I need to work on my macro photography.

Ryan, I don't own a macro lens and get by with what I got. ; The forsythia was taken with my 18-200VR lens at 200mm focal length. I cropped the photo about 30% to get this closeup. I used f/8 to give the flowers good depth of field so you look right down into them.
This one's not a macro. ; In fact, it's an anti-macro! ; I was 15 feet away and shooting at 750mm equivalent!!:


It's some kind of flower growing out of the water in the wetlands.
Nice shot Justin, I like that, anti macro!

Here is one from Moose Hill Wildlife Sanctuary, not even sure you could classify as a flower; added some Topazian Adjustments

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I thought that there had been a long enough time from last night's storm that the wildflowers would have come out again this morning.


But there were a few poppies left:

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"Scottwdw" said:
Ryan, I don't own a macro lens and get by with what I got. ; The forsythia was taken with my 18-200VR lens at 200mm focal length. I cropped the photo about 30% to get this closeup. I used f/8 to give the flowers good depth of field so you look right down into them.

I honestly haven't really thought about doing that- thanks Scott! Owning a macro lens would be nice, but I'd rather save for my next Disney vacation.
I don't have a macro lens either, I just use whatever I have on the camera and zoom in as much as possible.

This is the first time I went to the Epcot Flower and Garden festival to just look at the flowers. There really are some very interesting blooms there.



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