POTD: Flowers

Michael nicely done with the Cherry Blossoms...just did not get the timing right this year to see them; always there on business, but not at peak!

Roni, very nice captures

Everyone is providing a wide variety of flowers, nice work!


[attachments posted prior to 4/27/2010 have been deleted by admin. be sure to link images to make sure they don't get removed]
Thanks Roni and Paul!

Paul, its tough catching them at their peak. ; Regardless of what they say, after seeing them 5 years in a row while I was in college, I really believe that the peak only lasts for a day, maybe two if the weather is perfect. ; There are so many variables involved that its difficult to catch unless you live and work in DC.
"mSummers" said:
There are so many variables involved that its difficult to catch unless you live and work in DC.

Unfortunately working 7a to 7p 4ON/4OFF off Michigan Ave NW wasn't conducive to seeing the blossoms. ; (no Metro anywhere close)
Brassia gireoudiana

U.S. Botanic Garden and Smithsonian Institution Horticultural Services Division Orchid Exhibit. ; U.S. Botanic Garden, Washington DC
I like those wild looking orchids, Michael.

This one is a scarlet milkweed...ugly name for what I find to be a beautiful plant:

Thanks Justin!

Roni, that's not cheating... Paul didn't specify no weeds when he started the thread, so I'd say that anything with a flower counts
I planted two of these lupines in my front yard last year. ; This is the only one that survived, but it's looking good.

I'm a bit behind in posting flower shots. ; Here is some Creeping Phlox that was blooming last month.

Creeping phlox sounds like the name of a bad horror movie, doesn't it?

In a world where vegetation is out of control, the humans are fighting back.
Scientists and soldiers defeated The Thing from Another World.
The citizens of San Diego valiantly fought off The Attack of the Killer Tomatoes.
England suffered a close call during The Day of the Triffids.
The east coast was almost overrun by a bloodthirsty flower from The Little Shop of Horrors.

But the worst is yet to come. ; Can mankind survive
The Night of the Creeping Phlox?

Hurry to your local drive-in for this all-night screamfest! ; Also showing: ; The Mole People and
The Monolith Monsters.
so i'm finally in the flower game, from garfield conservatory, chicago, taken before a craft beer guild event called beer under glass, i was in chicago 5/12-5/17 for some much needed sightseeing.