POTD: Flowers

Lovely shot, Jeff. ; I love how the light is shining through! ;

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Here's another from my recent trip to Williamsburg.

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OK...I got flowers now! ; I was out this past weekend playing with my Tamron 90mm macro lens, and one subject I found to be lots of fun experimenting with was flowers (and the accompanying bugs!). ; So finally, I have more flowers to share.

However, I might have to defer to the experts here as to precisely what flowers we are looking at, or bugs for that matter, as I am completely clueless as to flower names and can't identify most bugs other than general category (spider, roach, beetle, fly).

To start off, here's a very cool looking flower:


Bigger version in expando mode (1024x683):


What it is...I have no idea. ; I'm going with 'flower'. ; :)
Nikon d40. ; I actually bought it late last summer and am just now finding and making time to really dive into it. ; I've taken lots of snapshots of our new baby since August but not much else. ;

I know its a little bit older camera but with me being a beginner and the price it is what I was comfortable spending. ; It came with a kit 18-135 and I have since added the 35/1.8. ; I think I'd like to add a speedlite, probably the SB400 to start to experiment with a flash. ; I've probably read every post on this board (and learned a ton) but never had much to contribute. ; Hopefully with a lightened work load and a Memorial Day Weekend WDW trip scheduled I'll be able to post a bit more. ;
Welcome back indeed! ; Sounds like NAS is already kicking in.

Here's a 'candlestick cassia':



And I've also been told my other flower above is called a 'Gaillardia'.
"Matt" said:
I know its a little bit older camera but with me being a beginner and the price it is what I was comfortable spending.

Congrats on the baby Matt!

Just because it's "older" doesn't mean it's not a good camera. ; Heard very good things about it. ; I know of one internet legend who uses it as his main family camera.
Great pics everyone! I'll need to get out and get some new pics for the spring. Here is one from a friends house. Hopefully, lillie pads count as flowers :)

"zackiedawg" said:
Welcome back indeed! ; Sounds like NAS is already kicking in.

No doubt about it. ; But if I could just make this one purchase I'd be set....right??....right???

"Roger" said:
Congrats on the baby Matt!

Just because it's "older" doesn't mean it's not a good camera. ; Heard very good things about it. ; I know of one internet legend who uses it as his main family camera.

Thanks Roger, things have been fun for sure. ; And I was gonna reference Bricker and his D40 as well as his SB400 but thought I might come across as a stalker...ha.
Michael, you keep making want to make a special trip back to DC. ; Never went down to see the blossoms when I was old enough to be into photography....

Sadly, these blooms have already fallen off my forsythia:

I use the "turn day into night" technique of small aperture with flash to hide the lack of interestingness in my yard.
Can anyone identify this? I saw it at Sunken Gardens in St. Petersburg yesterday. The whole tree had blooms like this, but there was no plaque to identify the tree.

Thanks. They were a very strange bloom. In the shade, they looked very dull, and in the sun, the individual stalks went from a very reflective white to a deep red so intense it looked like my Mk1 eyeball had blown red channel highlights!
