Photo Game: Show Me...

Ride the rapids, have some fun, ride the rapids, EVERYONE!:


(Sorry...that's the theme song for a local waterpark that is forever ingrained into my head).

Show me...Another way people get wet in the Disney parks (other then Kali)

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Show me ... a beach!
Marching Soldiers

Show me the shovel brigade.

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Three Princesses

Show me someone drinking a Coke. (not just any old softdrink, but ; a genuine Coke)

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Since no one seems to have a picture of someone drinking a Coke, to keep the thread moving, I will post one of the Crash Dummy drinking a lot of Cokes. ; me someone drinking ANYTHING! ; (Other than a Coke, so it would seem.)

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Beverly...Coke product from Italy...drink at your own risk:


Show me...a Flag.

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Show me...The Genie from Aladdin.

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OK...that one was tough! ; I had to scour the archives for a shot that included him:


Show me...something else with a distinctly middle-eastern/Arabian design or theme.

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Aladdin and the Princess on a magic carpet.

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more of a helmet than a hat, but very cool!


Show me a picture of the TTA (which I can't wait to ride on very soon!)

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Show me Santa Claus in World Showcase.

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