Photo Game: Show Me...

Well I do happen to have that view...but only if I go back to an old 1mp camera in 2002 or so:


Show me...a Mountain.

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My favorite ride in all four parks :). I get to ride again in December. I can't wait!


Show me ... Fireworks in the daytime. I don't have one of these. They always surprise me, LOL!
Don't have too many instances of that...I do have this, from the Epcot Thing (25th) celebration:


It's a little better than my foggy lens castle fireworks. ; :)

Show me...a backpack (on someone or off, doesn't matter)

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Two backpacks


Show me a tripod being used

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Brick Wall

Show Me..... ; ; Inside T-Rex Restaurant @ Downtown Disney[nb]I didn't want someone to substitute a pic from another T-Res Restaurant elsewhere.[/nb]
Ha Hah!!! ; I got one inside the T-Rex (a couple in fact).

Now, show me the inside of the Rainforest Cafe...

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No problem...I've got one of the inside of Rainforest Cafe:


Now, show me...Anything from Downtown Disney's West End.

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Since you said "IN" the West End, I am going with the Entrance to the "CAVE OF WONDERS" at DisneyQuest.

Now, show me a photo from outside any shop in the "Marketplace".

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Here's the Big Store:


Show me...A Disney resort pool area.

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Fountain of Nations


Show me a car in a parade

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Not only is it a Car in a Parade, but it is a "Star Car"....


Now, show me Star (preferably a Celebrity)...

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Curt Schilling and family (video screen grab, sorry for the quality)


Show me someone playing an instrument

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