Photo Game: Show Me...

Dennis, love the AT-AT photo. ; How much enhancing did you do on that. ; The only "really" good one I have is shooting into the sun so you get a great big looming shadow of an AT-AT coming towards you (maybe what the ewoks would have seen on morning). ; Anyway, great shot.
"RedOctober25" said:
Dennis, love the AT-AT photo. ; How much enhancing did you do on that.

Thanks. ; There was no post-processing to speak of, other than a little straightening and cropping. ; There was just something about the light that night.

I went old-school and took a bunch of shots with exposures ranging from 1/4 to 6 seconds, and 1.5 seemed to be the sweet spot. ; Someday I'll try combining them all into an HDR just to see how it looks.
So it might not be an actual Space Suit, but he did wear it into space while flying the Falcon.

Now, show me a photo from this guy's other show in the park...
Show me some more flames.

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Show me a nice clear reflection in water.

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well here's an old favorite, can't get this anymore. now how about 2 or more streetmosphere performers

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Here are 3:


Show me popcorn

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Well I've got no popcorn! ; Closest I can come is to show a place where you can GET popcorn:


Show me...Any of those light-up trinkets they sell in the parks - or the carts where you buy them (it can be the item, or being worn by a person, or the light trail from it in a night shot).


  • Disney Jan10 A550 142.jpg
    Disney Jan10 A550 142.jpg
    214.2 KB · Views: 65
Hey, I actually got one of those. ; The Cast Member was twirling them around as I was photographing the American Gothic Mickey and Minnie at the Garden Fest.


Now show me some lights o the Boardwalk...
Looks like this thread's been dead a while. ; I'd love to revive it with a star wars villian photo, except I don't have one. ; So in the interest of bumping things along...someone show ANY villian!!