Photo Game: Show Me...

When did you go to DL Joe?

Great shot Jeff; which lens?


Show me a Muppet in a parade.
another Goofy (the one on the left, sorry Ryan)


Show me a Donald!!

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Heeeeeeerrre's DONNY!:


Show me...More snow (fake or otherwise).

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Snow on Mickey's tree...


Show me another Disney Christmas Tree

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Show me Goofy

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Mickey and Minnie at Christmas. ; Show me a picture of yourself at a Disney park.

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Need a little help from Tim for this one, since I don't take photos of myself!:


Show me: ; A Reptile - real, character, statue, or art.

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Animal Kingdom Reptiles. ;
Show me: ; An amphibian, real, character, statue or art.

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A strange amphibian...looks like a roadkill toad come back to life:


(Found on the Pangani Forest Trail).

Show me: ; Clothes not being worn (laid out in luggage, hanging to dry, sitting in a closet, etc)
mickey;s clothes closet, with clothing hanging inside, now show me a resort hallway, preferably with some door decorations

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Well I guess noone has a resort hallway with door here's a resort hallway:


Now show me...Eyeglasses!
These wee little jackets are crazy for me - I know I wouldn't be caught dead wearing one!:


Show me...a bare midriff!