Who's going??? And when???

That's awesome!

I am so jealous - this time last year I was lying on a beach at the Grand Floridian...........
"highland3" said:
Have a great time... ; as we all know you will!!!!! ;
Thanks Just returned yesterday and even did one night of extra magic hours from 11pm-2am by myself and had a great time doing it. I'm now looking forward to Mousefest in December anyone else going?
Would love to go for Mousefest. I listen to almost all of the podcast that are involved. But (there is always a but) I can't see myself going in Dec, then turning around and going again in Jan for the Marathon.

BTW, if anyone is interested and lives in the Mississauga area I am running a clinic out of the Port Credit Running Room which goal race is the WDW half/full marathon. It is an awesome race.
My fiance and I are getting married on July 7th!! Then going to WDW on August 18th-we think! Haven't booked yet!! Waiting to see what's going to happen with my school(I start teacher's college in the fall)

I Sooooooooooooo Can't wait!! We want to gotfor 10 days as there is sooooo much I want to see and do!!
"NorthernMouse" said:
"highland3" said:
Have a great time... ; as we all know you will!!!!! ;
Thanks Just returned yesterday and even did one night of extra magic hours from 11pm-2am by myself and had a great time doing it.

How were the crowds at 1am???
There were no crowds it was great. I didn't know how much fun I would have by myself but it turned out to be a great time. I had the chance to talk to alot of cast members. From 11:30pm to 1:30am I was able to ride Space Mountain, Space Ranger Spin, Philharmagic, Pirates, Jungle Cruise, and sit in a quiet Cosmic Ray's Starlight Cafe and Watch Sonny Eclipse. I then walked though the castle without anyone else there and talked to some more cast members on Main Street before leaving. It was tough getting up the next morning but well worth it.
I don't believe my luck. I'm supporting a new product line at work and have to go to Clearwater for training so I'm staying the weekend at Disney by myself. I also just received word from Disney that they are allowing me to upgrade my Magic Your way tickets from my March Trip to an annual pass. I can't wait to see the flower and garden festival.
Ok, NorthernMouse, can I get a job at your company? ; That is awesome that you get to go to Disney, and an annual pass to boot? ; Can you say lucky? ; You will enjoy the flower and garden festival for sure. ; It is amazing how they get plants to look like they do.
At breakfast we discussed when our next trip to WDW will be.
Possibilities: First week of Jan'08, March break'08 or Aug'08 Hilton Head, then drive to WDW.

We booked the bounceback promotion this past Sept for next Sept so we are all set for Sept 27-Oct 11 '08. I pretty much have the whole trip planned. I have made guesses at when MNSSHP might be and I know which restaurants I will book ADRs. Now I wait... :P
b-1 is a person after my own heart - we did exactly the same. ; Bouncing back Sept.08 to get the free dining again. ; This September stayed at the Contemporary (DD8 and hubby's favourite), next September at the Grand Floridian (my favourite). Can't wait. ;

Bridetobee - if you're seriously thinking about an August stay, I'd plunk down the $200 for a deposit. ; You can change your dates if you have to later. ; I had a client that really wanted the Contemporary next July or August, and thought a Saturday arrival for 7 nights would be best. ; Thought he was planning in lots of time. ; I tried to quote him his particulars yesterday, and it turns out his choice of room wasn't there - in fact, the Contemporary was booked solid already for several dates. ; A couple of others had the Atrium Club only (mucho expensive for his family). ; By going week to week, and checking midweek arrivals, we were able to get the stay he wanted in a Garden Wing, Standard Room. ; Long story short - secure your spot now at your preferred hotel, you can always change your dates later if something changes with your schooling.
I have converted a MYW hopper to an AP. Example: we used the MYW ticket ( no expiry) in Dec '05, then we had an opportunity to go again in Jan '06. I took our MYW ticket to guest services at the MK and asked to upgrade to an AP. The AP was back dated to a year from the first use of the MYW ticket (so the AP was good until Dec '06)The cost was the difference between the MYW ticket and the AP. HTH
Ah - now I understand. ; You must've taken advantage of the 14day expiry option. ; My understanding is that unless you've purchased the "no expiration" option, you can use your past tickets to upgrade to an Annual Pass so long as you do it within the 14 days of first usage. If you don't, it's "no go"...
On our first trip to WDW as a family in Aug. 05 we added ; 2 days & non-expiry option ; to our 5 day magic your way ticket.

In Aug. of '06 using our ; last park ticket on the way out to the buses I went to the ticket booth and asked the CM to check all the tickets to see if anything was remaining.

He said that there we no park admission or extras left, but asked me if I want to a pay for the 3 additional days with the expiry option and get additional water parks, Disney Quest etc.
I declined but now wish I had taken him up on his offer.

So if you don't take full advantage of the 10 day non expiry option, on the last day you use the tickets try what I did. But take them up on their offer.