Tim's favorite airline is at it again.

"haunteddoc" said:
Probably not long. ; I wonder if it won't be too long before people stop flying and start driving again. ; I know if it gets much more expensive we would probably take the time to drive. ; Would lose a couple of days for travel but same a lot of money. ; We were always willing to pay a little extra to fly since we could leave home and be in the parks within 6-7 hours instead of driving 20 hours. ; At some point everyone is going to have their breaking point where it will cost so much more to fly that everyone will start looking for alternate modes of transportation.

Assuming that the traders get out of this * market[nb]I'm in that biz[/nb] and we don't see $4 gas again this summer, I'm already there.

Example, I'm driving to NOLA for a conference the first week of May. ; It'll be cheaper than flying, and while it may take a little longer, it may not, when you consider the time to:

Drive to the airport
Check in
Go through security
Get on the plane
Take off
Land, get to a gate
Get off the plane
Get your luggage (unknown wait time!)
Get the rental car
drive to the hotel

Consider as well that driving has a fixed cost per trip with only food per person being variable, versus "everyone has to have a ticket" on a plane....it makes it easier to decide.
"haunteddoc" said:
At some point everyone is going to have their breaking point where it will cost so much more to fly that everyone will start looking for alternate modes of transportation.

we are there. ; We considered driving for this trip bit it wasn't a good idea with a 4 year old and a 14 month old. ; But the day is fast approaching because we are sick of all of the BS. ; it is especially silly with all of these fees when everyone is a little down right now. ; I think this is a total shot in the foot for spirit. ; It's not like they even treat you well; their customer service is rock bottom. ;
I liked how China did it for their domestic flights. ; Each ticket is alloted a weight limit for luggage and you can check as many bags as you want and bring on as many carry-ons as you want as long as you didn't exceed that limit. ; Granted, the limit was 7lbs for carryon and 20lbs for luggage, but it was averaged over your entire party. ; So, if you had a child who had their own seat you could steal some of their poundage for one of you.

I personally think it should be taken a step further. ; The airlines should allot a poundage to every seat and if you plus your luggage/carry-ons exceed that amount then you get charged per pound. ; Then, you would be able to calculate for yourself how much you'd have to pay extra (if applicable). ; If there is more than one member of your party, then the weight allocation is combined and you could avoid overages if one member of your party tends to pack light (once again, kids could save a family on this).

I could see a very profitable side business where people look for other people flying out around the same time as them and buddy up to save on fees, just like with the HOV lanes, where people will pick up strangers so that they can use the HOV lane to get home.
"Tim" said:
it is especially silly with all of these fees when everyone is a little down right now. ; I think this is a total shot in the foot for spirit. ; It's not like they even treat you well; their customer service is rock bottom.

The news was saying that people are checking more bags and paying the fees than they were before the fees were instituted. ; This has lead analysts to believe not only will this not bankrupt Spirit but prove to the "Big Tin" that they can do it too. ; Southwest just may end up being the only airline that is "family friendly".

I was appalled when I heard that a reporter asked a spokesperson of Spirit about how this will impact families and the response was that they aren't charging for strollers and diaper bags, but they will need to pack light if they want to save money.

Now is the time for UPS and FedEx to step up and announce next-day rates that will beat the luggage fees. ; Then you just hand it off to them the day before you leave and walk on the plane with no hassle
"Grumpwurst" said:
Now is the time for UPS and FedEx to step up and announce next-day rates that will beat the luggage fees. ; Then you just hand it off to them the day before you leave and walk on the plane with no hassle

One of the majors are already doing this.....United I believe. ; Except I think United is allowing you to do it at the airport now.


Apparently it was a limited time thing, and....they actually have been encouraging something similiar since 2008.
OK so we tried to check in online before leaving tomorrow but couldn't. ; When we called to see what was up, they owed us a refund from our trip down and until we called to accept the refund we could not check in for our flight home. ; How stupid!!
Yeah, I long since got to the driving point even a few years ago...it has to be either longer than 1 full day driving away, or very urgent for business needs...otherwise I'll drive.

And you're right...with all of the parking/security/checkin/delays/baggage issues/etc, it is sometimes possible to beat the plane by driving, for the shorter trips. ; Example - went to Tampa for business a few months back - it's a 4 hour drive from my hometown, driving not too far from speed limits. ; The flight is something miniscule, like 25 minutes. ; I drove, an associate flew. ; We left the same morning, around the same time. ; He had to drive 25 minutes to Ft. Lauderdale airport, then fly to Tampa, grab a cab, and get to our headquarters. ; Plus parking, security, early recommended arrival, checkin, blah blah blah. ; 25 minute flight = 5 1/2 hours from his front door to headquarters' front door. ; Drive = 4hrs 10 min door to door. ; His cost, $99 flight round trip, $30 taxi (total), maybe $10 in gas. ; My cost, 1.2 tanks of gas (can't quite make it there and back on one tank - it's around 540 miles...and I can do 460)...fill up nowadays runs around $53 (18 gallons @ $3 a gallon)...so figure around $68. ; And that doesn't even mention me, relaxed in a comfy seat, plenty of room, great AC, tunes on, nice scenery, soft drinks, running my own schedule, all the luggage I care to carry...and him, taking off shoes, emptying pockets, sitting on tarmac in a tube, hips wedged between narrow metal racks, knees in his throat, babies screaming, hot cabin with dry eye from the vent blowing in one eye, carts bumping his elbow, looking for luggage, dealing with crowds, waiting in lines.

Driving for me, thanks!
I wish I was close enough to drive. ; The problem is that I am usually heading down for a total of 5 days. ; With flying, I can get down there in a half day and then back in one (with enough time to catch up on a little laundry on the day back). ; With driving it is a day and a half each way so it would take a 5 day vacation and turn it into 2 and a half. ; It might be feasible for my longer trips (more than a week), but for those short trips I still fly. ; The good news (so far) is that I fly AirTran and can upgrade to Business Class for $50-$100 depending on non-stop or stop-over. ; AND, if you upgrade to Business class you get two bags checked for free. ; So the last time that my father flew down to Disney with me I checked his bag as mine and we bypassed the fees (And no, I did not see him pack his bag).

Except very few people actually submit to their companies an expense report for the fill-ups at the gas station. ; They usually submit for the miles and as I know from driving to/from Houston to OKC, it would cost me around $50-60 in gas, but for mileage reimbursement it'll be something like $400. ; I can fly on Southwest round-trip for around $200
here is an attempt by spirit airlines CEO (the same one who made the infamous email gaffe a few years ago) to "justify" the absurd carry-on bag fees. ; note that i used the words "attempt to justify", as there is no justification for most things that spirit does:

[box title=From Email]To our valued customers,

We have all seen how carry-on baggage has gotten out of control. ; Longer security lines and boarding process, injuries due to overcrowded overhead bins, delayed flights and passenger frustration has become commonplace.

At Spirit, we are always looking for new ways to save you money and improve the customer experience. ; We recently announced our latest innovation, which is designed to relieve the carry-on crisis, saving you time and money.

Our solution to the carry-on crisis:

; 1. Lowered fares
; 2. Lower checked bag fees
; 3. Give everyone a free personal item allowance
; 4. Allow customers to carry on an additional bag for a fee and give them
; ; ; priority boarding so they have time and space to stow their extra bag

Everyone Wins!

; 1. We expect total prices to be lower
; 2. Security lines will move faster
; 3. The boarding process will be smoother
; 4. Deplaning will be faster
; 5. Passenger and employee safety is improved with less over-stuffed bins

What to expect for travel after August 1st:

; 1. We have introduced PENNY PLUS™ fares available to our $9 Fare Club members** that are 1¢ each way plus fuel, taxes and fees*. ; If you are not already a member, click here to join.
; 2. We have lowered checked bag fees for $9 Fare Club members. ; A family of four checking four bags round-trip will save $80. ; Double the cost of being a $9 Fare Club member. ; Another reason to join now. ; Click here to join.
; 3. You can bring a FREE personal item onboard, such as a purse, briefcase, backpack or laptop computer. ; Other exceptions are: ; assistive devices, medicine, umbrella, outer garments (coats, hats, wraps), camera, car seat/stroller, infant diaper bag, reading material for the flight, or food for immediate consumption.
; 4. If you choose to bring an extra carry-on bag, you may do so for $20 if purchased online as a $9 Fare Club member or $30 online, at the airport ticket counter or kiosk for non-members. ; If you choose to wait until the gate to pay, the fee will be $45 which is not preferred since it will slow the boarding process.
; 5. Shorter, faster security and boarding lines. ; Less frustration while boarding and deplaning. ; Fewer delays.
; 6. Happier customers that pay less!

See you onboard soon! ; We’ll keep working to improve your experience and lower your fare.

Ben Baldanza
President and Chief Executive Officer
Spirit Airlines[/box]
What you need to do is organize a trip where you end up booking the entire plane. ; Have everyone carryon 5 bags (as far as I can tell there are no limits and you are paying for the right to carry them on) AND pay at the gate. ; That flight would be so late it would be ridiculous. ; Then have everyone complain to corporate about the new SLOW Loading times, flight delays etc.
What we really need to do is have everyone in America organize a national no-fly day, where everyone agrees to stay off the airlines just for one day in protest of the ridiculous charges, runaway costs, and acting like passengers should feel lucky they even let them board, rather than acting like an industry that exists to service the passenger.

One day, no flying - the industry would be hit brutally hard...maybe they'd decide that offering a pleasant customer service experience and a safe, reliable travel will allow them to charge more reasonable fares without excess charges, rather than fighting to lowball eachother on fares, tack on loads of charges for everything that should come standard, and not even doing it well. ; And maybe they'll actually respect the passengers, and try to please them and listen to their needs.

Unfortunately, that is not likely to happen. ; But it would be cool.
spirit's mentality seems to be one of "if we offer NO customer service, then the people can't complain about BAD customer service."
Looks like they don't treat their employees any better since they are on strike. ; Probably should be happy they are not at IND. ; Wait, the other airlines aren't really any better. ; Think I could ship the family down to the World via UPS? ; Might be cheaper and probably better customer service. ; Just have to pad the box good.
"haunteddoc" said:
Think I could ship the family down to the World via UPS?
It's funny you say this. ; When we flew to China for our adoption trip, we took EVA Airlines from California to China. ; The travel agent who helped us make our travel arrangements (it's a lot easier to work with people who make a living booking families to/from China for adoptions), was telling us that EVA was an airline that has it's basis of business in shipping packages. ; In other words, they were like the Asian version of UPS or FedEx.

What they realized was that they were losing money if they had planes that weren't completely full of packages so what they did was paid to refit all their planes so they were easily reconfigurable. ; So, if they knew a plane was going to be light on packages, they threw in a bulkhead, snapped in some rows of very comfortable seats and loaded it with passengers. ;

What he was telling me they were making money hand over fist compared to the domestic Asian carriers who only carried passengers. ;

So, it made me start wondering why FedEx and UPS haven't thought of such a concept.
"Grumpwurst" said:
So, it made me start wondering why FedEx and UPS haven't thought of such a concept.

Wilson frowns on those shenanigans.

Actually it's probably because of some FAA regs. ; I think their(UPS/DHL/FedEx) pilots have different training requirements. ; That plus the major carriers use commercial flights as well, just like the USPS. ; They don't want to go into competition with their own vendors, it would be ... awkward. ; Now I could see it working with routes to Memphis for example.