Tim's favorite airline is at it again.

I expect that we will see shortly some low cost overnight services offered by UPS and FedEx. ; Seems like an opportunity they will tap into. ; We are going back down in Aug and have already started to think about what we are going to pack and ship so we do not have to check any bags. ; We did this the last time and came out a little cheaper and a lot less hassle.
"haunteddoc" said:
I expect that we will see shortly some low cost overnight services offered by UPS and FedEx.
I have also thought that with the ramping up of fees for things like bags on airlines (except Southwest), that the overnight carriers (UPS, FedEx, etc) would've jumped at the possibility of creating some kind of low-cost service for people.

Imagine being able to pay to have your luggage to be picked up at your door the day before you leave and have it waiting for you at your destination and conversely just have them collect your luggage before leaving for the airport on the way back and have it there the next day.

I remember back in the late 90's my parents were visiting me in Aspen (where I was working at the time) and Steve Martin was staying on the same floor as him. ; He was working with FedEx to have a bunch of stuff shipped. ; My dad had make a whimsical comment about how it must stink to deal with shipping on vacation and he replied that he never carries luggage with him and FedEx has been his preferred transportation method for years. ; That way he just gets on the plane with whatever is in his pockets. ; Granted, when you are a rich and famous movie, TV, and music star (I think he won a Grammy for his banjo playing) you can afford to pay standard overnight shipping rates with FedEx.
One of the major carriers was trying to get something like that off the ground...United I think.

Not sure if it went anywhere. ; The biggest problem I can think of is the lack of timing - some hotels won't accept packages before you check in, and then in some cases, you'd want to be at the hotel when your package arrives....
"Roger" said:
One of the major carriers was trying to get something like that off the ground...United I think.
I personally wouldn't want my baggage being shipped to my destination by an industry that has already proven to have a sketchy track record of keeping bags with passengers. ; Not to mention, where do you think they are going to stick those bags which are now disassociated with a passenger? ; On a plane with passengers on it. ; Plus, I think the new DHS rules that bags must have a passenger associated with them would prevent this business model. ; Not to mention, there wouldn't be must of a terrorist attraction to blowing up a UPS or FedEx plane with a bomb in a bag, but if your bag was being carried by a major carrier, then they could get the same result and not have to jeopardize one of them.

"Roger" said:
The biggest problem I can think of is the lack of timing - some hotels won't accept packages before you check in, and then in some cases, you'd want to be at the hotel when your package arrives....

I know a lot of hotels will accept packages on behalf of a future guest if they are coming in within X days especially if that particular hotel is frequently used for business. ; But, I'm sure resorts at Disney would change their tune (if they aren't cool with it yet) if they felt that it would provide an added benefit to their guests. ; Plus, if there was a way they could make some coin on the deal by "plussing" the service, I'm sure it would make it more attractive (eg. for an extra resort fee, they'll have the bags waiting for you in your room and pick them up at the end of your trip and send them on their way back to home).

I mentioned to John on twitter once that he should investigate the ability to send one of his Owner's Locker Purple boxes to a person's home so they could ship stuff directly from home instead of needing to carry it on the plane, then put it in your box when you get to your resort
"Grumpwurst" said:
But, I'm sure resorts at Disney would change their tune (if they aren't cool with it yet) if they felt that it would provide an added benefit to their guests. ; Plus, if there was a way they could make some coin on the deal by "plussing" the service, I'm sure it would make it more attractive (eg. for an extra resort fee, they'll have the bags waiting for you in your room and pick them up at the end of your trip and send them on their way back to home).

I have not shipped luggage down to Disney yet, but have sent down a couple of large boxes prior to a cruise and 2 week vacation. ; Contained all the items that I knew I would not necessarily be coming back with (Sunscreen, bottled water, snacks, and one spare change of clothes). ; This way not only do I not have to load it into my luggage, but I have a box to use to send back souvenirs or anything that would cause my bags to be overweight. ; They typically say you should send your package about a week in advance of your arrival (so you can send standard rates) and of course have nothing perishable in it just to be on the safe side. ; So far I have had no problems and plan to do the same for Pixelmania by sending down the same (plus some spare trading pins, an extra book to read on the flight home, etc...). ; If I recall correctly, I think that Disney uses UPS and you send them out from the Concierge Desk. ; And, you can get extra boxes from the Resort Gift Shops if you need them. (oh yeah, don't forget to send some spare packing tape inside the box you send down if you plan to send something back).
"Grumpwurst" said:
What they realized was that they were losing money if they had planes that weren't completely full of packages so what they did was paid to refit all their planes so they were easily reconfigurable. ; So, if they knew a plane was going to be light on packages, they threw in a bulkhead, snapped in some rows of very comfortable seats and loaded it with passengers.

An interesting concept. ; Two years ago, the metal band Iron Maiden did a similar thing. ; They chartered a 757 from Astraeus (a charter airline who the band's lead singer pilots for when he's not on the road), converted the back half of the cabin for cargo and took off on a world tour. ; Rent the DVD of Flight 666 to see how they did it (along with some killer concert footage).

Flight 666 - Official Cinema Trailer
Pretty soon they will be charging for even those that will fit under the seat, purses and wallets. ; This is getting ridiculous. ;
does that mean that the only people that will be able to fly cheap are Nudists? (that could be a very scary thing site - or good depending on your flight)
So, Spirit adds a fee of $30 for carryons and then lower their fares by $30. ; Ah, do they think people are that stupid? ; Sure, now they advertise their cheaper fares but, tack on all the fees, and they are probably equal if not more expensive than other carriers.

Nudiists fly cheap...I bet they would add a charge for seat covers. ; ::)

Let's be real...add those fees into your fares and go head to head that way. ; I think the airline industry is just asking for Congress to make them do just that. ; Paying for extra leg room is a bunch of _______ (fill in your favorite expletive), too.
Apparently those extra tack on fees are not considered to be taxable income, ; which may be another reason spirit is playing that game. ; I read that some legislators are looking into changing that loophole. ;
I had heard that they changed the law preventing these fees from coming into effect or that if they were enacted that they were going to be taxed. ; Maybe I heard wrong. ; Can anyone verify?
Personally, I'd be happy to go back to the early 70's before Carter's deregulation sent the industry spiraling down to where it is now. ; I have absolutely no problem paying a higher level cost for a ticket - just straight-up 'here's the ticket price' - that includes everything just like it used to. ; Whatever luggage I have, whatever carryon I want, whatever drinks I want (non-alchy), hot food service with a choice, free movie, and maybe even some personable (and preferably cute female) staff. ; It just isn't worth the discount ticket only to find out the price ends up being nearly the same as in the old days once you add up all the fees, and even then you get no service and a generally bad attitude. ; You know, back when you were the paying customer, and they were a service industry trying to earn your repeat business by treating you well? ; Rather than being privileged and government-protected aerial bus service run by dictatorial communist standards.
"zackiedawg" said:
Personally, I'd be happy to go back to the early 70's before Carter's deregulation sent the industry spiraling down to where it is now. ; I have absolutely no problem paying a higher level cost for a ticket - just straight-up 'here's the ticket price' - that includes everything just like it used to. ; Whatever luggage I have, whatever carryon I want, whatever drinks I want (non-alchy), hot food service with a choice, free movie, and maybe even some personable (and preferably cute female) staff. ; It just isn't worth the discount ticket only to find out the price ends up being nearly the same as in the old days once you add up all the fees, and even then you get no service and a generally bad attitude. ; You know, back when you were the paying customer, and they were a service industry trying to earn your repeat business by treating you well? ; Rather than being privileged and government-protected aerial bus service run by dictatorial communist standards.

I personally think that this deregulation was the catalyst that has not only led to the terrible situation the airline industry is currently facing, but has been what has led to the downward spiral of quality and service of places like Walt Disney World and Disneyland. ; Those rock-bottom prices of airfare and other marketing tactics due to those rock bottom prices, have led the American public to feel they are ENTITLED to a vacation at an affordable price. ; Well, in order to fill that needs, quality pays the price to free up money to lower the rates
Another reason Spirit Airlines SUCKS

According to their website, Spirit Airlines will begin charging you to PRINT YOUR BOARDING PASSES!

Charge for Airport Agents printing Boarding Passes (Fee starts 24 January 2012) $5.00 per boarding pass printed
Charge for printing Boarding Passes at Kiosk (Fee starts 30 June 2012) $2.00 per boarding pass printed