Personally, I'd be happy to go back to the early 70's before Carter's deregulation sent the industry spiraling down to where it is now. ; I have absolutely no problem paying a higher level cost for a ticket - just straight-up 'here's the ticket price' - that includes everything just like it used to. ; Whatever luggage I have, whatever carryon I want, whatever drinks I want (non-alchy), hot food service with a choice, free movie, and maybe even some personable (and preferably cute female) staff. ; It just isn't worth the discount ticket only to find out the price ends up being nearly the same as in the old days once you add up all the fees, and even then you get no service and a generally bad attitude. ; You know, back when you were the paying customer, and they were a service industry trying to earn your repeat business by treating you well? ; Rather than being privileged and government-protected aerial bus service run by dictatorial communist standards.