Star Wars Weekends 2011

Yeah - in October, you're going to need it. ; There had been complaints it had been too cold during the December Pixelmanias - well you all are going to get the complete, polar opposite of that - hot as the sun itself and humid as a steam shower - triple digit heat index the whole way through. ; No way anyone's going to be running from the Nemo show to Kilimanjaro full speed through a parade in less than 10 minutes this time!
SWW are fantastic this year, and the new ride on Star Tours is AMAZING to say the least. ; We rode it 3 times on Sunday and although a scene might repeat, the others surrounding it make it a different experience each time. ; I think that they did an amazing job. ; I got a few interesting angle shots that I will post here in a bit.
So here is the shot I spoke of from an angle not many of us can get. ; Sorry about the reflection on the glass. ; I forgot to turn the polarizer.

Nice vantage point, Jeff. ; I'm going to have to ask if I can get up there in the handicapped loading area.

Here's the first of mine. ; You have to start off with a Mickey picture - it's the law.

Hyperspace Hoopla has partially changed from pop to classic rock. ; Here's Chewie as Kashyyyk's answer to Axl Rose.

Thanks, John.

Here's the Star Tours equivalent to those friendly TSA agents who you get to meet before you fly.

"RedOctober25" said:
When you say "eye candy"... You really mean just the eyes... ; Great shot though.

That's really all you get with Zam. ; But you did give me an idea: ; I'll try to get a tight face-only shot next time.

Yeah, that's right, I'm flying down for a quick trip on weekend 4. ; Crazy, huh?
I'm flying down for a quick trip on weekend 4. ; Crazy, huh?

not really, or at least not to me anymore, i'm starting to do that, just booked 12/7/11-12/11/11 studio at saratoga, karen didn't want to go, and i really wanted my dose of mcvmcp, so i booked it. 4 day trips work well for me right now, i can take just 1 day off work, as i have 3 day weekends every week, and there is a 7:25 flight out of islip, puts me at the world via dme at 11:00 pm. and last flight back on sunday gives me until 3:30 pm for a park.
Re: Star Wars Weekends 2011 Clone trooper in 3D


Saw him walking by, going backstage I think, so I only had time for this quick snap.
I'm continually amazed at how good those 3-D shots look, Roger.

Here are a few more from my May weekend.
