So, top of the line Point and Shoot or 'starter' DSLR?

since you only have the one lens, a modest tripod and a small bag, ie, lowpro microtrekker will do for now
make your first serious purchase a good ballhead, i can reccommend both kirk and acratech, i have and use both, although the acratech is now my usual travel tripod, bought specifically for that reason because of some serious design engineering put into the product to reduce weight, the folks who make it made their rep in speed parts for funny cars and top fuel cars, so they know a thing or two about machining strong and light
you bring a tripod and a cable release to pixelmania and read the owners manual a couple dozen times beforehand and we'll up your game in 3 days
it just requires stamina, right paul??
"gary" said:
, i can reccommend both kirk and acratech, i have and use both, although the acratech is now my usual travel tripod,

Gary, which Acratech are you using?
Congrats, ArnyVee!

There will be a lot of us Nikon shooters at Pixelmania with lenses you might want to try out. ; Don't be afraid to ask. ; BTW, what lens did you get? ; 18-55? ; Is it VR? ;

My first lens suggestion would be the Nikon AF-S 18-200VR. ; You also might want to look at (an official Pixelmania sponsor) about renting an extra lens to try before you buy.
"gary" said:
you bring a tripod and a cable release to pixelmania and read the owners manual a couple dozen times beforehand and we'll up your game in 3 days
it just requires stamina, right paul??

Right you are Gary, hopefully I am in better shape this year! ; I've been bench pressing with my tripod fully loaded!!
"Scottwdw" said:
Congrats, ArnyVee!

There will be a lot of us Nikon shooters at Pixelmania with lenses you might want to try out. ; Don't be afraid to ask. ; BTW, what lens did you get? ; 18-55? ; Is it VR? ;

My first lens suggestion would be the Nikon AF-S 18-200VR. ; You also might want to look at (an official Pixelmania sponsor) about renting an extra lens to try before you buy.

Thanks Scott! :)

The lens is the 18-55mm. I should be getting it on 10/, less than a week away now ;)

I'm definitely going to be looking for some help/suggestions/assistance on getting those great shots that you guys and gals take. :D