i'm going to weigh in here with a suggestion that's been overlooked so far, maybe consider jumping into the pool with a used body and a good quality used zoom, there's actually a lot of not too old gear out there, on the market coutesy of people who just have to have the latest and greatest.several of my L grade lenses i have purchased used from a company based in atlanta,
i have found them very honest and straightforward to deal with, their rating system is very honest, i've never made a dissatisfied transaction with them
addendum, quick search at keh finds the following canon gear, i only searched 1 brand because it's models i know
30d excellent + $569, kind of an old body, but a good starter
40d excellent $741, and this is one heck of a camera to start with
rebel xti, excellent, $449, great camera, for samples check out my phanfare site, med cruise album , all shots in that whole album were xti, better starter than 30d
these are body only prices, but these are all relatively new bodies, esp 40d
i have found them very honest and straightforward to deal with, their rating system is very honest, i've never made a dissatisfied transaction with them
addendum, quick search at keh finds the following canon gear, i only searched 1 brand because it's models i know
30d excellent + $569, kind of an old body, but a good starter
40d excellent $741, and this is one heck of a camera to start with
rebel xti, excellent, $449, great camera, for samples check out my phanfare site, med cruise album , all shots in that whole album were xti, better starter than 30d
these are body only prices, but these are all relatively new bodies, esp 40d