Random POTD Thread

Re: ColleenMarie's POTD Thread

Here is mine for today:

Clicking on the picture will take you to its Flickr page, where you can download a full size version, navigate to my other WDW (or puppy and kitten) pictures, or access my EXIF data.
Re: ColleenMarie's POTD Thread

~How about Mickey's foyer in DL California's Toontown~

Re: ColleenMarie's POTD Thread - SUGGESTION

i love this idea, but i would like to suggest each participant started their own potd thread, for organizational purposes. surely everyone can comment or post similar photos to the potd, but i think it would be easier to follow the way i suggested.

i also like the idea of the "find something in my photo and post a derivative photo" idea (moat around the castle = post water photo) that someone had suggested. you guys are coming up with great ideas...THANKS!
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Re: ColleenMarie's POTD Thread

"Tim" said:
i also like the idea of the "find something in my photo and post a derivative photo" idea (moat around the castle = post water photo) that someone had suggested.  you guys are coming up with great ideas...THANKS!

This sounds like a lot of fun to me too. What do we call it? So, we can put in the thread name, what game we are playing.
Re: ColleenMarie's POTD Thread

well, each member with a potd thread can just call that with their own name.
the other game can be called anything you want it to be, as long as you describe what you want in the post. call it "derivatives", "elements", etc. i would like to see this grow a life of it's own...
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Re: ColleenMarie's POTD Thread

craig- i added a new board just for those types of things. See "Elements and Derivatives" (until someone can come up with a better name for it).
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Re: ColleenMarie's POTD Thread

Here is mine for today from Saratoga Springs Resort:

Clicking on the picture will take you to its Flickr page
Re: ColleenMarie's POTD Thread

I hope you guys don't stop posting on this thread...I am enjoying seeing what others take - that Donald angle is too cool, he looks all befuddled about the closed pool sign :)
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Re: ColleenMarie's POTD Thread

"ColleenMarie" said:
I hope you guys don't stop posting on this thread...I am enjoying seeing what others take - that Donald angle is too cool, he looks all befuddled about the closed pool sign :)

Thanks. It's actually his "pool area" that was closed, so you can see why he might be upset. Don't worry, I don't plan to stop posting here. I think multiple threads is a bit much, and I know I wouldn't look at each individual thread, so I bet others wouldn't, either.
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Re: ColleenMarie's POTD Thread

Mine for today:

Clicking the picture takes you to its Flickr page, where you can navigate to my other WDW shots.
Re: ColleenMarie's POTD Thread

Those are Gorgeous shots! Really~ The detail in the planter and the coloring of the Mountain are awesome! Thank you so much for sharing.

This is a hidden Mickey (or two) I found on Castaway Cay...

Re: ColleenMarie's POTD Thread

Just saw a picture like this on the DisBoards photo contest. Was that you?
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Re: ColleenMarie's POTD Thread

"haunteddoc" said:
Just saw a picture like this on the DisBoards photo contest.  Was that you?

Ayup! Tiggerwannabe is me.

I entered in the Hidden Mickies photo contest this week~