DHS - Citizens of Hollywood

Juan Scenario is happy because he can sit in a chair in the middle of Sunset Boulevard without having to worry about getting run over by a truck.

Happy Guy
Sonny Burbank was trying to get a date with Evie Starlight. He was asking people in the crowd for things he could do to impress her. After each suggestion, he would act it out, then act out ALL of the suggestions he had received so far. He ended up geting 10 or 15 suggestions. It was a great feat of both physical comedy and short-term memory.

Best Foot Forward
One day, during the Funniest Citizen of Hollywood Contest 1947, something strange happened between Dara Vamp and Oscar Meyerwiener. I wish I could remember what it was, but my photos show some interesting give-and-take between the two of them. Suddenly, Dara moves to one side with a determined look on her face. Oscar is quaking with fear. Then Dara lays a big wet kiss on Oscar. He's reticent at first then embraces Dara. Other Citizens surround them, saying things like "Move along, there's nothing to see here." After what seems like an eternity, they break apart, gasping for breath.

I'm glad I was there to see it.

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There were rumors in October 2018 that Dorma Nesmond was being laid off and her last day was imminent. I basically stalked her every time we were both in DHS. She was a good sport about it.

Living in the Past