DHS - Citizens of Hollywood

I've seen this skit at least once before. The director (today it's Al Dante) tries to get the actor (Beau Wrangler) to walk out and hit his mark, look at the camera, and deliver his line. Naturally, the actor either misunderstands the direction or takes it too literally. At one point, Al points out my camera and says "See that camera? It says Canon but it looks more like a bazooka. Walk towards it."

I held my tongue, not wanting to interrupt things by pointing out that it was a Nikon, not a Canon. Over the next minute or so, I got several shots of Beau looking directly at my camera instead of Al's.

Walk Towards That Camera
Betty Shambles is the girl next door, assuming the house next door has a white picket fence and lots of flowers. But what goes on behind those closed doors? Probably not a lot, since Betty's run off to Hollywood!

Earnest Betty
I really can't think of a G-rated comment for this photo. :(

The long story is that Paige Turner and Dorma Nesmond were doing a "Dorma and Paige answer your questions about life" or something like that. They answered questions from guests and gave helpful hints about life, the universe and everything. At one point someone asked the ladies to show us "their best move." Paige had several, and this is the end (pun intended) of one of them.

No Ifs, Ands or ...
As you know, 2016 was an election year. In the race for mayor of Hollywood, all of the candidates pulled out of the race except for incumbent Sonny Burbank. In the tradition of all election winners, he celebrated his victory with a drink. He started celebrating in July and was still celebrating when this photo was taken in October. As a result, he was spending a lot of time on the ground.

Victory Celebration
They did it again: Four Citizens of Hollywood were deported on September 30, 2018. Dorma Nesmond, Paige Turner, Dara Vamp and Officer Brody were all laid off.

Here's Dorma taking one of the many photo breaks that interrupted her driving license exam.

Still At It