ddindy Member Staff member Oct 16, 2018 #41 Dara Vamp was another victim of the Great Hollywood Purge of 2018. She will be missed. Thank You, Thank You
Dara Vamp was another victim of the Great Hollywood Purge of 2018. She will be missed. Thank You, Thank You
ddindy Member Staff member Nov 9, 2018 #42 It's great that Dorma and Dara both put in appearances in October, 2018. Here's an oldie of Paige and Dorma. No, Not Now!
It's great that Dorma and Dara both put in appearances in October, 2018. Here's an oldie of Paige and Dorma. No, Not Now!
ddindy Member Staff member Nov 20, 2018 #43 Zeke has two cans. Sparky has a toucan. Is it any wonder that Hollywood Public Works only fulfills the first two words of its name? Two Cans and a Toucan
Zeke has two cans. Sparky has a toucan. Is it any wonder that Hollywood Public Works only fulfills the first two words of its name? Two Cans and a Toucan
ddindy Member Staff member Dec 6, 2018 #44 Batty Shambles does everything with enthusiasm, even if it's just driving the KPUT radio truck. Uncurbed Enthusiasm
Batty Shambles does everything with enthusiasm, even if it's just driving the KPUT radio truck. Uncurbed Enthusiasm
N njespers Member Dec 8, 2018 #45 ddindy said: Careful, kids, that banana is loaded. I Have a Banana Click to expand... Isn’t that Gus, the Bus Driver, moonlighting as a cop? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
ddindy said: Careful, kids, that banana is loaded. I Have a Banana Click to expand... Isn’t that Gus, the Bus Driver, moonlighting as a cop? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
ddindy Member Staff member Dec 8, 2018 #46 No, that's Officer Percival Peabody who drives a DME bus when he's on vacation from the Hollywood PD.
No, that's Officer Percival Peabody who drives a DME bus when he's on vacation from the Hollywood PD.
ddindy Member Staff member Dec 13, 2018 #47 You've seen her, you've heard her. A silent photo is better than listening to her words. Despite that, it's fun to listen to her jokes in the Funniest Citizen of Hollywood contest. Did I Win?
You've seen her, you've heard her. A silent photo is better than listening to her words. Despite that, it's fun to listen to her jokes in the Funniest Citizen of Hollywood contest. Did I Win?
ddindy Member Staff member Jan 23, 2019 #48 Poor Sparky. It seems like he's always at the bottom of the hill that the s**t rolls down. Lost His Spark
Poor Sparky. It seems like he's always at the bottom of the hill that the s**t rolls down. Lost His Spark
ddindy Member Staff member Mar 5, 2019 #49 Driving in Hollywood can be dangerous, especially when there are two starlets in the car. Road Rage
ddindy Member Staff member Apr 16, 2019 #50 After recovering from their near-miss, Evie and Mimi were in great spirits. As one of them said, "The bigger the camera, the bigger the smile!" Out for a Drive
After recovering from their near-miss, Evie and Mimi were in great spirits. As one of them said, "The bigger the camera, the bigger the smile!" Out for a Drive
ddindy Member Staff member Oct 28, 2019 #51 Officer Prime Brody has done something to upset the rest of the Hollywood Holiday Glee Club. But darned if he knows what it was! What Did I Do Wrong?
Officer Prime Brody has done something to upset the rest of the Hollywood Holiday Glee Club. But darned if he knows what it was! What Did I Do Wrong?
ddindy Member Staff member Jan 2, 2020 #52 Dorma Nesmond is not particularly a fan of Christmas trees. Paige Turner, on the other hand, loves them and gives CPR to dying trees. Time to Dispose of the Tree
Dorma Nesmond is not particularly a fan of Christmas trees. Paige Turner, on the other hand, loves them and gives CPR to dying trees. Time to Dispose of the Tree
ddindy Member Staff member Jan 10, 2020 #53 Every day of the year is a good day to make Christmas cookies, according to Betty Shambles. Get 'Em While They're Hot
Every day of the year is a good day to make Christmas cookies, according to Betty Shambles. Get 'Em While They're Hot
ddindy Member Staff member Mar 16, 2020 #54 When the latest health scare has you down, when the store is out of toilet paper, when your favorite sport is not on TV, all you can do is smile. Keep Smiling
When the latest health scare has you down, when the store is out of toilet paper, when your favorite sport is not on TV, all you can do is smile. Keep Smiling
ddindy Member Staff member Apr 7, 2020 #55 Boss Billy Pail issues a warnig regarding the dangerous chemical in the spray can (pure dihydrogen monoxide). Meanwhile, Sparky looks on, enthralled. Don't Try This At Home, Kids
Boss Billy Pail issues a warnig regarding the dangerous chemical in the spray can (pure dihydrogen monoxide). Meanwhile, Sparky looks on, enthralled. Don't Try This At Home, Kids
ddindy Member Staff member Apr 13, 2020 #56 Old actors never die - they just keep making curtain calls. Golden Oldie
ddindy Member Staff member Apr 24, 2020 #57 As they say, "The bigger the lens, the bigger the smile." A Lovely Smile
ddindy Member Staff member Apr 30, 2020 #58 Some more more highjinks with the Hollywood Public Works. Give and Get
ddindy Member Staff member May 11, 2020 #60 If you've seen any of Vladimir's films, you've seen Pooey. Pooey! Last edited: Aug 31, 2020