ok, macro starts with a good book or two, you need knowledge on technique, it can be a very technical niche of photography, i am currently reading "the universe at our feet" by don komarechka, i am only on page 37 but it seems well written. pick up the latest issue of outdoor photographer, it is focused on flower photography and he is one of the contributing authors. he recommends and i concur that you need a 90-120 mm macro lens, i am pretty sure nikon has something, i have the sony 90mm f2.8. don speaks highly of the tamron 90mm f2.8 without vc, vibration control. that would be my recommended starting spot, my experience with my sony has mostly been flowers, especially orchids and roses. and as it just so happens when i opened up this thread today i had just picked up from ups and unboxed a nissin mf18 ring light flash. controlling the lighting is critical to macro, that and good practice, don't be frustrated at first if you have a lot of fuzzy shots. it takes some time to get good at this. i have done quite a bit of off camera remote flash in the rockefeller rose garden at ny botanical, but you always have to worry about someone stepping into your flash and you can't do that at all in the haupt conservatory for the orchid show, you would need someone to hold your flash for you. so i am looking to do some practice over the next few weeks in preparation for my annual orchid trip. extension tubes are a good accessory, certainly useful in macro, when i shot canon i had kenko, there is a kenko set for sony but i found a thread about meike brand, much less money than kenko and supposedly just as good.@gary I’m thinking about doing some macro photography, mostly flowers. Are the extension tubes(Kenko) worth buying? What’s your recommendation for FL on FF? Thank you
another good resource is if you are not familiar with this site you certainly need to get on over there, i am there almost as often as here, and there is a whole forum dedicated to macro
amazon link for the tamron in nikon f mount