Birdmania 2022 is a wrap! It was nice having some Pixelmaniacs down my way to become temporary Birdmaniacs. Weather cooperated nicely - we had two days with temps in the low 80s, sunny, no rain, and a bit windy. We visited three parks in the area - Green Cay Wetlands, Wakodahatchee Wetlands, and Peaceful Waters. There were a few bird species that proved elusive on our two days, despite being around right now - Gary didn't get to see the male painted bunting he wanted to see as grackles had chased them away on the day we were passing through. But overall a good tally of species were spotted and photographed in 5 1/2 hours on Friday, and 2 1/2 hours on Saturday (For Joanie and Karl...Gary stuck around for another 2 hours on Saturday to squeeze in a few extra species for his lifer list). Here's a quick tally from memory of what we spotted - I may have missed something but I think this is a pretty full list (I'm excluding bugs as Florida just has far too many to try to count and other than a few standouts, we weren't photographing them):
Belted kingfisher,
least bittern, great blue heron, tricolored heron, little blue heron, green heron, black-bellied whistling duck, red-winged blackbird, northern mockingbird, common grackle, boat-tailed grackle, Egyptian goose, purple martin, wood stork, cattle egret, great egret, snowy egret,
black-crowned night heron,
yellow-crowned night heron, anhinga, double-crested cormorant, yellow-rumped warbler, palm warbler, pine warbler,
black-and-white warbler, ibis, glossy ibis,
Wilson's snipe,
black-necked stilt,
black-hooded parakeet,
roseate spoonbill, red-shouldered hawk, Florida vulture, mottled duck, blue-winged teal, collared dove, white-winged dove, mourning dove, northern cardinal, blue jay, red-bellied woodpecker, fish crow,
purple gallinule, grey-headed swamphen,
northern shoveler, pied-billed grebe, American coot, moorhen, osprey, pigeon.
OTHER: Green iguana, brown anole, brown basilisk lizard, northern curly-tailed lizard, American alligator,
North American river otter, marsh rabbit, banded watersnake, Florida cooter turtle, Florida softshell turtle.
The ones in bold are the ones that are more rare or hard to find sightings down here - the ones I was most happy to spot because I was hoping to show off some of the variety and sprinkle in some rarities. Hope all had a good time, and I look forward to the 2nd annual Birdmania!
A few snaps from Birdmania, of the more rare or lucky sightings:
Belted kingfisher - fermale:
Least bittern, male:
American alligator hatchlings:
River otter:
Egyptian goose gosling:
Big George, our largest and oldest alligator at around 13-14 feet and over 20 years old - he's the poppa of the baby alligators above:
Black-crowned night heron:
Wilson's snipe:
Black-and-white warbler: