What does your screenname mean?

Rhinohunter refers to my search for the illusive rhino pins at WDW. ; Also for other rhino items outside of Disney. ; I finally was able to get some good rhino shots on the safari ride the last time I was in the park (after Mousefest 2008.) ; Used another poster's suggestion to set the camera on continuous and keep shooting. ; Got a lot of shots that were basically just alike. ; Deleting most, keeping the best ones.
My screen name - pichick712 is pretty simple. I like to take pictures, am female and my birthday is 7/12.
I am new to this site so I thought I would introduce myself. My name is Joyce and have been to Disney a mere 25 times. I know that's not a lot to many people. I hope to buy a DVC within the next year which will make it easier for myself and my kids to go down even more frequently.
Welcome Joyce - glad to have you aboard. ; We don't care if you've been to Disney once, or a few thousand times - as long as you love it, and enjoy photography too. ; And if you join DVC, you'll have a few fellow DVCers here too.
Hi everyone! ; Well, Donald is my favorite Disney character hence my screen name. ; It is also the screen name that I use on the DISBoards, Tagrel, and DVCNews. ; So if you see the same name over there, it is me also!

Sadly, I can not find the picture of me at Halloween the year I dressed up as a bunch of grapes - purple balloons, purple tights, green face & hair - and I'm single...hence the name GrapeCatch. Silly I know, but I really AM a great catch - ha ha ha!! LOVE to make people laugh too!

Completely new to the idea of forums, but I've said so many times in the last year...surely there have to be more people on this Earth that like to photograph THE "happy place" then talk about their trips! Flickr has helped me to find some great photographers, no doubt. When I ran across Magic In The Pixels, I liked the idea of doing more than just commenting on pictures. I really want to get to know the people behind those FAB-U-LOUS pictures and learn more about this awesome hobby. Can't wait!!!

Hey everyone. ; My first post on the boards. ;

They say the Disney character that is your favorite tends to share a lot of the same attributes as you...I'm Flora. ; (Although I strive to be Wall-E) ; Flora and I are kindred spirits.
my screen name is my web site address, the "bigBrian" part is just a screen name I picked our early on on the internet (circa 1997) when I discovered chats (IRC) focused on the topics of Disney theme parks and needed a name, the ; "-nc" is from the fact that I live in North Carolina (as when I picked out a URL for my site "bigbrian.com" was already taken and belonged to a blues band leader).