What does your screenname mean?

prettypixie = for my favorite Disney character - even before her own movie(s) came out. My husband also likes to tell me I have her temperment!
back in 1987, when I got my first real job, their email addresses were assigned as first 5 letters of your last name, first initial, middle initial. I have used meyernl ever since. I don't like change ::)
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Will is my name, CAD is my job - Computer-Aided Drafting. I make maps, figures, and displays for a civil engineering company.

The name was coined by one of my first bosses back in about 1988. I work in a program called AutoCAD, from a company called Autodesk. In those days, AutoCAD used graphics tablets quite extensively as a means of input, and included a pre-made menu template for them. But I made a custom menu template for mine, and on a lark, I replaced the "Auto" with "Will," since I figured I should give credit where credit was due. My boss saw "WillCAD" on the menu and thought I meant it as my name, so everyone in the office started calling me that, and I adopted it as my nickname and screen name whenever I went online.
I first started posting on the DisBoards back in 2000 and started using Mr. Toad as a screen name to protest the removal of the ride. The ironic thing is the ride used to scare the pants off me when I was a little kid going to WDW in the late 70's. For some reason it was always one of our families' favorite rides.
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The train part? Heck yeah. I think the last time I went on it I figured out it was just a light -- then they closed it. I was pretty freaked out about Pirates for a while too. Who ever has seen those Sing-A-Long videos produced by Disney in the 80s (actually one was running on channel 96 when we were in WDW). There was a sing along version of Yo-Ho Yo-Ho (A Pirates Life For Me). At the end, the people in the boat went down into this tunnel thing and then all of these barrels of explosives blew up! I seriously thought that would happen! ;D
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Yep...and my dad always thought it was funny to scream like we were going to die! :) I am glad my daughter didn't see the exploding barrels on this last trip. We had fun convincing her to go on it the first time as she remembered the drop being much bigger than it was. We ended up riding Pirates at least 10 times and I think it was her favorite of the trip!
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I am not that creative when making up screen names so I often try to use my name but I found there are a lot of Amanda's out there so I added zen to the end based on my main blog (Amanda's Weekly Zen) and what used to be my photo blog (A Visual Zen).
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My kids dad..his feet are a size 13/14..mine are half his size. He called me that years ago..and I have just kept it and use it online :-[.. lol besides.it is also a cute dinosaur's name now in a movie..lol
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LOL! Welcome littlefoots! That was also my nickname in college marching band. My feet are small and when we would march 8-to-5 (8 steps for 5 yards) I would always come up a little short - hence the name Little Foot!
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My nickname came about one day while diving Punta Sur in Cozumel. Everyone on the boat was gearing up with Dacor and Scubapro while I was the only person using Zeagle equipment. Dive master could not remember my name, go figure, so kept calling me Zeagle. ::)

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