Mine's my first name. ; Generally, I use cuhoch - which is my first two initials, plus a chunk of my last name. ; Not sure why I just went with my name here.
Thanks for letting me join.
Heading to Disney for the first time in more than ten years in 7 days. ; Cant wait ; ;D
Stitch is the id I used when I joined my first Disney message board, so I use that where I can. If that is taken I'll use egexperiment626 (evil genetic experiment #626). Since Twitter and Facebook are so big in the community now I tend to do all my new registrations as April if it is free.
On my wife and mine's first trip after joining DVC, we stayed at Old Key West. Our room was on Old Turtle Pond. During that trip, turtles became our inside joke and began the "turtle clan". Since then, we've become supporters of the Carribean Conservation Corporation, a non-profit who protects sea turtles.
The "scott" part is self-explanitory!
I'm excited to have found a group of people with the same interest in Disney photography!
Well lets give it a go. ; Since this is my first post. ; Here we go. ; The name of PhotographyDR. ; The first part is easy. ; The DR is actually my First and Middle initials. ; My dad used to call me DR growing up and since he was also the inspiration for me getting into photography I thought it only fitting to add it at the end. ; Plus it makes me look like I am a doctor which I am not. ; . ;
I, being of less than clever/creative stock, stuck with my first name (my Dad's idea, not mine) followed by the MD, which in my case, does indeed stand for Medical Doctor (I don't play one on TV, but do in real life).
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