POTD - Wide Open

Awesome parrot shots ^^^

Mine for today- Dark Beach

28mm f1.4 - ISO 6400 - 1/10 Sec Handheld

I've got a new Wide Open I can share tonight! ; It ain't much of a picture...but it's the fact that I can take the picture that is great:


That's 30mm, ISO250, 1/50 shutter, at F1.4, wide open.

That's right...my Sigma 30mm F1.4 arrived! ; Got home from work and was greeted with a kindly little box on my doorstep. ; This was just a quickie shot in the kitchen, mostly to test for focus - some of these lenses are reported to be backfocusing and have to be adjusted or replaced until you get a good one. ; I had my focus just at the top of the letter 'U' in the word 'group' on that one line in sharp focus...so it seems to be pretty solid. ; When I get a chance, I'll use a more official focus test like a row of batteries.

Just wanted to share my good news/excitement on my newest lens!

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Good for you! ; Love the Siggy 30/1.4. ; I wish it would work on my D700- here are a couple on the D300. ; Both wide open of course. ; ;)

Tokyo Dining at Epcot


Eel Nigiri- Yum!

Bay Lake Sunrise
(18-200 at telephoto end, f5.6 +/-, spot metered off the limes to keep the dining room background black)

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i'm assuming that's a libation only available at bendele towers??

and how long before they name one after you, that's when you know you are the king of all you see before you
"gary" said:
i'm assuming that's a libation only available at bendele towers??

One of Dina's cocktail recipes:
Orange Juice
Capt Morgan
Fresh Lime juice
Dina says to garnish with lime, A room Key, or an annual pass