I've got a new Wide Open I can share tonight! ; It ain't much of a picture...but it's the fact that I can take the picture that is great:
That's 30mm, ISO250, 1/50 shutter, at F1.4, wide open.
That's right...my Sigma 30mm F1.4 arrived! ; Got home from work and was greeted with a kindly little box on my doorstep. ; This was just a quickie shot in the kitchen, mostly to test for focus - some of these lenses are reported to be backfocusing and have to be adjusted or replaced until you get a good one. ; I had my focus just at the top of the letter 'U' in the word 'group' on that one line in sharp focus...so it seems to be pretty solid. ; When I get a chance, I'll use a more official focus test like a row of batteries.
Just wanted to share my good news/excitement on my newest lens!
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