POTD - Wide Open

AK Trails Bird

[attachments posted prior to 4/27/2010 have been deleted by admin. be sure to link images to make sure they don't get removed]
Tiger from the Jungle Trek:

Jeff, I have to say, you have some killer stuff in here. Here's a shot with my 70-200 wide open at f/4.

Clicking takes you to the Flickr page.
cory, that is a STRONG opening statement for you on TMIP. ; Great one!
Jeff, the POV of the water leads me to suspect that this was taken with the 28/1.4. ; Am I correct?
"Roger" said:
Jeff, the POV of the water leads me to suspect that this was taken with the 28/1.4. ; Am I correct?

You are correct- I find it hard to get that lens off the D700 for very long. ; (Glad I never sold it when I had Leica fever!)

400 MM F5.6

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