Cooleo...Do they still have sponsors of the various exhibits at the Audubon? ; Back when I was at Tulane, I sponsored one of the animals and had a plaque with my name at the exhibit - it stayed there for the 4 years I went to college, and was still there when I visited 8 years later for a friend's wedding! ; But now that was 11 years ago, and I didn't know if those were even still there.
I believe the way they did it was, you sponsored officially for 1 year, but if noone else came along and offered a new year of sponsorship, your plaque stayed up at that exhibit. ; Of course, I didn't have the money to sponsor tigers or chimps or white alligators, and those sponsors were changing constantly. ; So my trick was to pick a very obscure animal exhibit that noone would likely ever displace my sponsorship on...the Kangaroo Rat, which was in a glass terrarium exhibit in one of the buildings that has the rodents and such.
If they still have sponsorship plaques, and they still have a kangaroo rat, let me know next time you stop by if you still see my name there!