"bbrod" said:
Absolutely - Booked the 1st to 11th, first half at POFQ and 2nd half at Wilderness Lodge

Bruce and Mary Ann

Welcome to the forums Bruce and Mary Ann!
Yes...welcome to the forums, and welcome to Pixelmania! ; Great t have you aboard and look forward to meeting you in person in December.
Hey Tim, I might be sleeping through that first day. ; I am currently scheduled to work until 9pm on Wednesday, then fly out at 6 am on thursday morning. ; Hopefully I can switch up with my coworker. ; But if not, I am giving you fair warning (either that or you need to bring lots of Red Bull) :)
YOU? ; sleep thru something? ; i'd have to see it to believe it. ; awwwwwwwww..... ; too soon?!
Take it easy on the guy that works 12 hour shifts (and was working the overnight shift the previous time)... ; I will be sure to pack plenty of Red Bull then.
I'm a typical 9-5er myself...but my 9-5 invariably ends up being 8:30-6, and a few hours working from home...but that's not every day. ; I probably average 9 hour days now, on weekdays only. ; I paid my dues working bell-to-bell 12 hour+ shifts and 7-day work weeks in my early 20s out of college...moving to my current job when I was 25 let me stabilize things a bit - been here 15 years now, and have a more consistent and reliable work week...my problem is getting more than 1-week of vacation at a time, because I'm the only one who can do what I do in my office. ; Job security, with a forced compromise!
Yeah....these days Im working 8:45-5:45 and then I come home and work some more. I look at my lesson plan and hate it and start all over again - gah! ; Im going into work today to move furniture. They wont pay me over time but they can offer me "comp time". Yeah Ill believe it when I see it.
I'm at work from 7:15 to 5:00 almost every day and I try very hard not to bring any work home with me. ; Although we've been so busy lately that I've been bringing a couple of hours of work home almost every night...
Hey Guys,

; Thanks to some ideas from RedOctober25, I booked a room at All Star Music (currently waiting for the Travel Agent to call to make my payment). ; But I do have a flight, I fly in to Orlando the morning of the 2nd. ; This is my first LONG solo trip, so I'm going to head over to Universal Studios for the day, and then head over to WDW that night. ; I'll be flying out mid day on the 6th. ;
; Tim, I registered as a DVC resort, but I will need to change that to the All Star Music. ; Really looking forward to the trip, and I thank you all for putting this together. ; I also bought Christmas Party tickets for the night of the 4th, can't miss a Christmas party with a 50 dollar cookie :-).
; Now the only question is: who do I talk about the trip because I'm way excited?
If you have noone around home to talk to about the trip, you'll just have to unload on all of us. ; Because we're excited too! ; Looking forward to it myself...even despite the fact that I'll be at Disney again in less than 30 days, I'm already looking ahead to Pixelmania too.
"zackiedawg" said:
even despite the fact that I'll be at Disney again in less than 30 days, I'm already looking ahead to Pixelmania too.

Pixelmania! is shaping up to be a really unique experience that happens to be taking place within the fabulous Walt Disney World Resort(r) <-- Does that sound like good PR speak :)

I still find it funny that we originally thought that if we got 20 people to show up it would be a success. ; Now that 20 figure is a distant memory.

I told Tim the other night, I wonder if we'll cause rumors to float around that someone famous is in the parks because, as everyone knows, wherever you have a pack of photographers all shooting the same subject then someone or something important is their subject ;)
What is the latest count? The first post in the thread hasn't been updated recently. ; I was hoping we would all fit on one boat for a special Jungle Cruise adventure!! ;