I'm a strong maybe. ; This is a really exciting meet and I really hope to be able to go. ; Got a new job starting next month, so I need to see how that goes. ; As well as funds. ; Awesome idea.
Well if you end up at OKW, boat on over to DD and we'll meet up there when there's not any events going on. ; :)

Maybe we'll both get the BLT waitlist. ; (hold your breath.....NOW!).
Can not believe that I already have my airfare. ; Got it for 58$ each way! ; Have not gotten flights for this price in years!!! ; Only thing left now is the car which will probably cost more than the airfare.
So they finally have someone else hired at work (YEEHAA!!) and it sounds like she will be extremely flexible with scheduling. ; That being said, I will be booking (hopefully) Animal Kingdom Lodge (Kidani) in the next few weeks and getting the Airline tickets as soon as they drop on the website. ; Nothing like getting out of the Central Illinois Winter for a few days...
Excellent! ; Come on down...Florida highs will be anywhere from a warm 80s to a mild 60s in December - so you can't go wrong!
Apparently the are no Studio rooms available for DVC members. ; They want me to upgrade to a one bedroom (at double the points). ; I put in an alternate request and am waiting to see if that goes thru. ; Otherwise it looks like I will be staying at one of the Value Resorts (as much as I hate Bus Service to them) as the price is just under $500 for the four to five nights. ; Its down to the waiting game. ; Worse case scenario, I go on the waiting list, book the Value and then hope to get into the DVC room...
redoctober25, along the transportation thing, we will have a fair amount of vehicles at pixelmania, if all those doing value resorts get organized and book at the same one, we might be able to help with avoiding that bad bus service a fair amount, esp if everyone is a same resort drop off
Wow...studios are all gone? ; Seemed like SSR and OKW still had a fair number a few weeks back, but I guess they filled up.

Did you happen to check if there was just one night missing from a studio at one of the resorts, where you might be able to get 3 of 4 nights, or 4 of 5...then just take 1 night at a value? ; Don't know if you mind the resort hopping - I've done it for past Mousefests, where I stayed somewhere different for the first night, then moved to my DVC studio for the rest of the trip.
kinda forgot about that... though I do prefer not having to move rooms (ie: unpacking just once). ; I did that for Mousefest last year (staying at WL for one night then on to SSR). ; I might give them a call to double check, but will be getting my fill of room hopping on my October Vacation (technically have 5 different rooms between resort and cruise). ; Thanks for the suggestion.
I'm hoping to make it. I've got to convince both DFi and my DDad that I can make the trip solo and that it won't cost a ton of money.

And then I have to gain the nerve to actually show up to the meet. I've signed up and been to 2 meets, but never been brave enough to show up to the actually meet and talk to people. I've a very shy, quiet person.
"Characterfan" said:
I'm hoping to make it. I've got to convince both DFi and my DDad that I can make the trip solo and that it won't cost a ton of money.

And then I have to gain the nerve to actually show up to the meet. I've signed up and been to 2 meets, but never been brave enough to show up to the actually meet and talk to people. I've a very shy, quiet person.


I too am very shy. ; Typically, I can alleviate some of my shyness by having my wife with me because she's an extreme extrovert. ; But, for some reason, when I'm at a Disney Theme Park my shyness is diminished. ; But, one can not really compare one person's shyness to another's because it's all relative.

But, I can say from personal experience that the TMIP meets are not like any other fan gathering you'd ever experience at MouseFest. ;

I'd characterize his meets as more instructional and symposium like. ; But, that doesn't mean there isn't a fan gathering component to them, but it isn't built-in as the end-all/be-all of the purpose of coming together. ; In other words, you can show up, hear what's being said, absorb the information and leave without talking to a soul and not feel like you've wasted a trip.

In fact, at Tim's MouseFest meets there were often people who were just there in the group and never interacted with anyone and they stayed the whole time with their camera in hand listening intently.

If you really want to dip your foot in the waters of fan gatherings, I think PixelMania! would be a good first choice
I Agree with Ray. ; I am not really 'shy' per se, but I am a person who enjoys some privacy and alone time, and I don't often do 'group' style events. ; At Tim's gatherings, the nicest thing about them is you can participate and socialize as much or as little as you want...there are all types and all ages there, so you can just follow along and listen in fly-on-the-wall style, or you can jump right in and be bold and social. ; No worries - both styles fit in fine! ; Last December meet, I brought a fairly shy friend of mine up as he hadn't been to Disney in many years and loves photography - he slinked in a little late a few times, initially just followed quietly along, but also opened up a bit to a few people and got downright chatty. ; :)

Hope you make it - it should be a great time and a very good first event to experience if you're unsure what to expect and don't want to be overwhelmed with social networks and public displays!
Welcome to the boards Character fan! ; I have to say that I have never been to one of these meets myself, and have always been a little leary about going. ; I am making my first solo trip in December just for this meet. ; I have gotten to know Tim, and Ray and some of the other guys on the board here, and I must say that they are all wonderful people, and I can't wait to meet them in person, just to put faces to the names.
welcome aboard, and please do show up, we are very community friendly here, and if you show up at the meets chances are someone will initiate talking to you by way of introduction
i'll be the hairy, scary looking guy with tattoos and earings, probably wearing the famous hat, search for hat on here to see photo