Where to next?!

"mainstreet1997" said:
Im looking for the next picture to keep this thread going but in the meantime I showed my dad this picture and he was like "What is he doing?" I said "I think he's doing shots of Beverly".

Many many shots of Beverly! Far more than I'd ever dare to drink. That's Nathan, from Magical Mountain & TMIPer (nrose101) during the Epcot Thing gathering last year...who had offered up a challenge to drink 25 shots of Beverly. Brave man.
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"zackiedawg" said:
Many many shots of Beverly! Far more than I'd ever dare to drink. That's Nathan, from Magical Mountain & TMIPer (nrose101) during the Epcot Thing gathering last year...who had offered up a challenge to drink 25 shots of Beverly. Brave man.

:o ;D :D
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A Sphere

Let's all go to the Moon (Moon of Endor that is)...

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I enjoyed the "Keys to the Kingdom Tour" (the pin on the backpack), so I'm going to the "Backstage Safari Tour" at Animal Kingdom (this was our private, unscripted Safari trek). And sorry for the blurriness.

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HAPPY THANKSGIVING ALL!!!! Anyway, I think we already went the way of the Mountains (Big Thunder/Splash/etc...) So, I see a Big Tree.

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