Where to next?!

apparently I killed the thread...so here it goes again...

From a Hidden Mickey to a "Not So Scary, Not So Hidden Mickey"

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Nah, it's not dead...just a little dormant ;)

I finally finished the wedding album I was working on. The bride has her photos...she really liked the selective coloring I did so I am expecting a list from her later of any more she wants colorized 8)

I see Mickey's Face!

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Little girl:


and something that wasn't a pirate...since we seemed to be stuck in a pirate rut there for a while! Argh!
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Another Colorful Dragon (or soon to colorful)...

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flying monkeys

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Guy drinking something (4th guy from the left above):


(A little TMIP action for the 'Where to Next thread) ;)
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Ack! Don't tell me I killed 'Where to Next'! With a "TMIP Epcot Thing" gathering to boot! :) Somebody can continue that one - it's a breeze - cameras, hats, shoes, lanyards, cups, badges, stickers, eyeglasses, Mickey shirts, kids, men, women...
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Im looking for the next picture to keep this thread going but in the meantime I showed my dad this picture and he was like "What is he doing?" I said "I think he's doing shots of Beverly". The look on my Dads face was HILARIOUS. Dads not a fan of Beverly. And Im not really a fan of going in that building period - not a fan of my shoes being stuck to the floor. Im a teacher, that happens often enough at work. ;D LOL.

EW. Its 19 degrees in Chicago. 2 weeks til sunny Florida!
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