Where to next?!

A little farther to the right:

A different, and much larger, Crystal Palace:


Cooleo: ; That's actually an older shot of the pagoda, before the renovation...it was during the last Mousefest in December. ; It's been covered up on the last 3 trips to Disney, so I'm looking forward to seeing it fresh again next month.
"Roger" said:
Main Street, Geppetto's Village, Italy

storybook land? ; i MUST ride that again when we go back there... ; been on it once and it was dark, 2005.
"Tim" said:
storybook land? ; i MUST ride that again when we go back there... ; been on it once and it was dark, 2005.

Yep. ; That was from a slide I took in 1999; went to SBL first thing at rope drop. ; I was the only one on the boat....perfect for switching sides quickly to take pics..
Back up a little bit farther, trip, fly up in the air, bounce off Texas, glide through the Grand Canyon, bank off the Stratosphere, land in the sister spot looking about 45 degrees to your right:
