Where to next?!

Inside that pavilion:

Two synchronized pyrotechnic explosions on either side of a subject:


If anyone wonders why the sky is so bad, it's because this photo was completely whited over with a badly fogged lens, which I was unaware of when I was taking the shot due to the very very dark ND400 filter on the end. ; It was hot and humid, and it was the first time the camera had been out of the bag - so my first few shots were ruined. ; This one I decided to try to recover because it was the only one that had those fireworks going off!

Umm, ground level rather than from the station.[nb]I'm assuming that my assumption is correct.[/nb]
Standing much farther to the left, and shooting much farther to the right...same sign in the shot, but from behind and to the side:

Enter that building, pick left or right, head to the stairs (OK...if it's summer, you can take the escalator cause it's hot outside), go down, head left, through the queue, onto the boat, and you'll see this:

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Someone reading a book

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