WAI: Light Fixture Game

Let me narrow my answer down a little. ; I think that light fixture is in the vestibule area outside the POTC restrooms that are located off the gift shop.
When I saw it I thought pirates, but couldn't place it exactly. The exact location popped into my head when I looked at it again earlier today
Just a quick update after a long hiatus - I'm down in WDW right now so hopefully I'll have plenty of content for this thread soon!
Hmmm, I might have to really shrink these fixtures down ... or I'll have to link them from my Flickr. Let's give that a try ...

I actually have never set foot inside that restaurant! But I have camped outside on the corner of the balcony and shot Illuminations. Great spot for a tripod and plenty of room when I was there.

Any other guesses?
Ooh! Good guess! I can't believe I don't have a picture when I went to O'Hana. Trying to remember it now and I can get why you'd guess that. Close, but no cigar ; ;)
Staying with the restaurant theme... ; The style of the lights is awfully "Wave"-y... ; So I will guess "The Wave" at the Contemporary.

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Oddly enough, these light fixtures aren't very good at representing their location. I will say that they are not from a restaurant, so you're getting colder ...