WAI: Light Fixture Game

Haha Tim, don't you have a newborn to take care of? In any case, you got it!

Here's the next one ... go nuts!
You got it lightslicer!

Hmm, mobile parenting? I don't have any kids (yet?) so when/if I do, I might have to ask for some tips!

Let's go with this one for now ... Happy Saturday, everybody!
"howeirdd" said:
Hmm, mobile parenting? I don't have any kids (yet?) so when/if I do, I might have to ask for some tips!

I make it up as I go along.
I am thinking somewhere in the winding que section of Splashmountain- though it really reminds me of the train station in Frontierland also....I refuse to agree its Tom Sawyers Island... ;) ::)
Just being different....lol
The only other place i can think of with that style of building is maybe the carriage house just before the queue at Haunted Mansion.

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You really know your areas, Red! Indeed it is the carriage house just before the queue at HM. I think it adds a twist to the game to name the exact location of these fixtures. In any case, you're on the ball!

Maybe these have been too easy. Let's go with this one.

So indoors, large and dark, wood ceiling. ; Could be queue for O'Canada. ; As for the previous fixture. ; My guesses are based more off the architecture that anything else. ; Then it is just a matter of narrowing it down.

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oh yeah I forgot- exact location of the fixture- inside the door attached to the ceiling..... ;D
Sorry couldnt resist....I could get longitude and lattitude if needed.... 8)

Thanks so much for doing this- I totally love this game- WE play a game in the car- of Where am I-
In WDW-you take your self to WDW in your imagination- and those playing start asking a yes or no question-
Its an imaginary trip at no cost....lol....much like this game for me....
Drumrollllllll ... inside queue for O'Canada? Sorry! ... inside the church at Norway? Sorry again!

This is indeed a tough one since the references aren't that much of a giveaway, but the clue's in there! ; 8)

You're welcome! I'm so glad there are people who like this game. My wife isn't much of a fan since she can't get some of these right away and she's right there with me while I'm getting the shots! If/when I run out of light fixtures, I might start up a different game ... I have an idea in mind ; ;D