WAI: Light Fixture Game

Hows about the Jack Sparrow Experience.... ; The wood planking would fit a boat theme and it is close the Lightslicer's voyage of the little mermaid guess.

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Boat theme ... check!
Jack Sparrow ... maybe in a different hemisphere. Or maybe he wasn't even an idea at the time.

There's a clue in the picture that would hopefully steer you to the right attraction, but lightslicer didn't want to be entirely right ... ; :-X
Haha unfortunately, the corner we were looking at was the lower right ; :-\. Sorry Peg! You were really close though!

You got it, Rick! To be fair, it wasn't one that everybody would be able to get, I guess. The lighting in the VLM is very similar to the lighting in Norway. Perhaps Ariel was Norwegian?

Alright, lightning round, here we go!



I agree with John about #1. ; I was really trying to place that object in the middle background. ;
#1 ... do we see a Mexico? *ding!*
#2 ... do we see area outside of Yak&Yeti? *buzz*
#2 ... do we see Splash Mountain? *buzz*
#3 ... do we see Chinese Theater? *dizz?* Is that the official name of it?
Haha #3 I guess I could give to Tim since we pretty much all know what he's referring to when he says the Chinese Theater ... or do we? ; ::)

Pretty warm for the Expedition Everest guess, so sorry Red, we're not in Japan!