Universal Orlando - Universal Studios

And now for something completely different. After several visits to the Men in Black Alien Attack attraction, I finally hooked up with a team member who could take me on what they call the "immigration tour." We went on a short backstage trip and ended up on the ground floor of the room that you see in the film. The general public sees this area from the second floor, as you can see in the background.

These two creatures are named Idikiukup and Bob. They are twins from Centauri B who work as technicians for MiB.

Which one is Bob?
I found this neat little dead-end stairway that gives one a reverse view of the Gringotts dragon. Note the crowd gathered for the regularly-scheduled dragon fire.

Dragon belch
Here's one for the Chevrolet fans: a slightly mangled Camaro known as Bumblebee. The new Transformers ride (which is a clone of the Spider-Man ride, but with 3-D video), also has this character meet & greet out back. The costume is pretty impressive, considering that it's really a guy on stilts.

Bee good
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I think the coolest part of the Bumblebee meet is that he now talks to you thru song clips on his radio (just like he does in the movies).
The primary mode of communication in the wizard world is Owl Post. There are publicly available owls at the Owl Post Office, but most wizards and witches prefer to use their own owl. Eeylops Owl Emporium is the place to go in Diagon Alley to get an owl and all of the associated supplies. Just be sure and watch your step.

The floor must be a mess
If you've read the Harry Potter books, you'll recognize this sign from chapter five of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. (Or Sorcerer's Stone if you've read the American version of the book.)

Direct quote
Going to Universal next week with special passes. Looking forward to blasting away all day.
"Partners", Universal-style - with Lew Wasserman playing the role of Walt Disney.
A large dragon sits atop the Gringotts Bank. He looks like he means business...
Let's say you're a goblin on break from Gringotts and you want a bite to eat. Unfortunately, you can't read English and none of the signs is in Gobbledegook. Not to worry, just look for the witch standing over a Leaky Cauldron.

Follow the drips
September 1 is the day all of the young British wizards and witches head down to Kings Cross station to catch the Hogwarts Express. All they have to do is walk through the barrier between platforms 9 and 10 to get to platform 9 3/4.

Best do it at bit of a run
Here's the other live entertainment option in Diagon Alley: A group of puppeteers who use these amazing rod puppets to re-enact the tale of the three brothers who are given the Deathly Hallows.

Retelling Beedle's Tale
@ddindy I am taking my boys to Universal on 11/2 and 11/3 and totally plan on seeing the Tale of the Three Brothers. A friend of mine who works there told me the show is amazing. What say you?
Hogwarts 3 shot HDR, combined in LR6 Merge to HDR, finished in LR. LOVE IT.
