Traveling Hidden Mickey...

Okay, this is an "unofficial" hidden Mickey, but I stealthily followed this guy around Animal Kingdom waiting to get a good shot of him. It was a lot of leg work-so I felt I should post it.

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My wife started to really look at his Tattoos after I posted this and she realized that this is the biggest Disney-a-holic ever! We were so amazed by the hidden Mickey we didn't even pay attention to what his tattoos were...

I figured this guy has GOT to have a website and I googled: Man with Disney Tattoos-and sure enough-he does!!!! Maybe some of you know of this guy-this is totally photography unrelated, but I thought you Disney lovers would get a kick out this! His site is :o
i spoke with him at The Epcot Thing last year. Really cool guy. His name is George Rieger - biggest claim to fame is the Michael Eisner tattoo on his posterior. I didn't care to see THAT one.
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I took this of George last May during an Off Kilter show. Amazing number of Disney tattoos.

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