The Alphabetical Game - Derivatives

Carthay Circle Theater

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The "D"awa Bar:


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Bob Gurr

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Hey about we make that "I" for un"I"cycles? ; Just in sticking with the order. ; We can let that be the i, unless you want to put up a different 'i'.

Here's the Country Bear "J"amboree:

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"zackiedawg" said:
Hey about we make that "I" for un"I"cycles? ; Just in sticking with the order. ; We can let that be the i, unless you want to put up a different 'i'.

Here's the Country Bear "J"amboree:
I feel alseep on that one Justin thanks for the save (my excuse is I was in San Jose suffering from the time difference ; :-[)

Magic Kingdom

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"P"lease "P"roceed:

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"S" is for Stroller Returns... I tried to take a panoramic shot of the Stroller line at DHS. ; You will notice that the guy in the orange shirt is in all 3 of the panels (that and the first panel is offset - oops)...

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