Star Wars Weekends 2012

Could be. ; Any guess as to what the fourth dimension could be?

On the other hand, maybe there's a separate lens and sensor for red, green and blue. ; It could be a really high definition camera.
"ddindy" said:
On the other hand, maybe there's a separate lens and sensor for red, green and blue. ; It could be a really high definition camera.

I just think that it is to match the alien. ; Three eyes in that configuration. ; There already are two lens, six sensor cameras in existence (several actually; I have one of them)
I'm getting in line to head down to WDW for a week of golf and fun, capped by Star Wars Weekends. ; If anyone will be in the parks any time from May 12 to 20, PM me and I'll give you my contact information.

We're on our way
I know a few of us will be at WDW on May 25th. ; I will be at DHS all day. ; Going early for park opening and staying until after Hyperspace Hoopla. ; If anyone wants to meet up, drop me a note here or PM.
I am going to try and get over there for some of the fun. ; I will not miss it, I just don't know when over the next few weeks I am going to get there.
Leaving tomorrow for the Dis. ; Sat & Sun I'll be in the parks (Epcot for sure tomorrow, maybe part of Sunday too), then M-Th I'll be at conference, with maybe an occasional evening in the parks...then Fri the 25th I'll have one more day in the parks before leaving Sat the 26th. ; I'll check in here for anyone that might be around on any of those days.
I'm working Justin, Monday Wednesday Thursday and Saturday. I might be able to meet you Saturday afternoon if you would like.

In the meantime, I'm headed to DHS for an afternoon of Star Wars fun today if anyone else is going to be there let me know and we can try to catch up.

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Jeff...sorry to have missed you yesterday. ; I'll be back at DHS next Friday and will see you at the photowalk!

I was at DHS yesterday for the WDWRadio was kind of insane there but we had a great time, and being a Floridian there was no excuse for me not to go - have to experience all this fun stuff!

Scott, you just got off the Fantasy? Or are you on now? Tell me everything! Signed up for the DVC deal and we leave in 6 weeks!
not taken at disney, but this one's for you dennis, an r2d2 mailbox, taken today at the udvar-hazy smithsonian air and space annex


Very cool Gary! ; I just came across my shot of one of these from 2007 when they had one at Downtown Disney.

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More photos from Star Wars Weekend 2012.

A couple of droids being escorted through the park.

My gun is bigger than yours.

A couple of Stormtroopers who enjoyed a day at DHS. ; Pre-show to the Stars of the Saga event.

Such a lovely couple.
A few more...

Mickey and Minnie in Star Wars costumes as they changeover at a Meet and Greet area.

I thought the Bounty Hunter had it bad!

Stormtrooper gave me the once over.

Darth Goofy
Love this last set Scott. The one with Mickey & Minnie is the area just between The Great Movie Ride & ABS Commissary, Correct?