A week ago I posted a bunch more photos from Star Wars Weekend to get people in the mood for the impending Star Wars Celebration VI in Orlando.
My favorite villain, Zam Wessel
Not tonight, dear
Another villain, Asajj Ventress.
She's bad and she knows it
Yet another villain, Aurra Sing (notice a pattern here?)
Is this one worth it?
Jedi master Plo Koon
Here, let me fix that exposure
No idea who she is, but she's cute.
Mystery girl
An Imperial Navy lieutenant from the 501st Legion.
Eyes front!
A stormtrooper mistakes my big lens for a blaster
No blasters!
The most man with the most important job of all, piloting Jedi Mickey's X-wing.
Red Seven standing by
Some of the voices behind the Clone Wars cartoons: ; Dee Bradley Baker (voice of the clones and Perry the Platypus), Ashley Eckstein (voice of Ahsoka Tano) and James Arnold Taylor (voice of Obi Wan Kenobi and several hundred other assorted characters).
Parade of celebrities
A guest having fun while waiting for the parade to begin.
Killing time, having fun
Jedi Master Shaak Ti.
This time with flash
Is this the infamous TK-421?
Vader's right-hand man
For most of these parade shots, I tried a new (for me) technique: ; I used the 70-200 2.8 lens wide open, mounted a four-stop ND filter and used a flash set for high-speed sync. ; I think it killed some of the worst shadows caused by the terrible sun angle while keeping the shallow depth of field of the wide aperture.