SO..........what are you gonna buy next?

just got the SB600 flash. I think nikon sprinkles there cameras with crack cause I am hooked
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Agreed....I just got back from the camera store with some new goodies, but I have to go back and make an exchange. The contents of the box wasn't what I was buying....

I'll list my purchases when I get back
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still holding 8 months in the howie lens purchase pool

course i've been doing canon crack for years so i know the feeling
LOL Gary. new lens is a ways off as I want a nice tele prime and we are talking major cash as you know. Is canon crack stronger than nikon crack ? oh and how is the trip going ?
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having only tasted of the canon crack i have no basis for comparison, BUT i will say that the canon crack is mighty strong
and we have been back from the med trip since 6/6, i just haven't been posting much because i've been busy editing and posting the 2500+ shots i came back with
many of my galleries are up now on phanfare, link in signature below, i'm putting them up in cruise day order, complete with light commentary and classical music accompaniement
i've got up to and including rome done, rest will have to wait until after next week, i leave tuesday for a few days camping with another retired police friend of mine, our annual bluegras festival trip to benton pa
yeehaw, play me some gitar & mannerlin
Decided to resurrect the most popular thread (by replies).

Just got a used 80-400VR today. For a song. Turns out the guy upgraded to the 200-400, thought he would still use the 80-400...and he wasn't. So his wife told him to get rid of it.

It's in really great shape except for a very small mark on the front element that doesn't affect the pictures. Before this opportunity arose, I was thinking of the newer Sigmas (before posted their little blurb) or maybe getting one 300/4 prime and then the Tamron 2.8 zoom.
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Canon 5dMkII for me... but you could have guessed that!
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Items on the list:

1.7 TC, 14-24.

Item #1 on the /wish/ list:
300 2.8

Other then that, I think I'm good until next year on bodies, but I'm pretty much done with DX lenses for now.
"Tim" said:
Canon 5dMkII for me... but you could have guessed that!

Don't forget a few Ducatisâ„¢, 24LII, 35L, 16-35II, a few 1TB HDs, etc.

Plus you'll need a FW card reader. Trust me.
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Picked up a Nikon 70-200VR last week used at a good discount. The lens wasn't used much and looks brand new. So, I got a TC-17E II on my buy list now to go with it.

This gives me a good travel lens (18-200VR), sports lens (70-200VR) and wildlife lens (80-400VR). A good line up when you add in the 50 f/1.8 lens for portraits and really low light.
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I need a new bag. The bag i have fits my three lenses and body beautifully but its kind of bulky and I dont think i want to carry it around Disney (3 weeks to go! :D) Im thinking backpack or slingpack.
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