POTD - Wide Open

In my life, I have always been surrounded by boys and men. ; I have 4 brothers, 4 nephews, 3 sons...you get the picture. ; My house is decorated in woodsy, earthy, manly man tones. ; But there is one place that remains girly and it always will. ; It's where I go to escape and is the only place in the house where I can be alone. ; Ahhhh, off I go then...


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14-24 @2.8

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Lens: Tamron 90mm F2.8 macro
Exif: ISO800, 1/160 shutter, F2.8:


My cat Mickey watching squirrels out the living room window - you can see the stepping stones and red lava gravel running behind the front wall in the reflection in her eye.
Wide open is a lot of fun on pets - the super-narrow DOF makes for an interesting sliver of detail, and somehow seems to enhance the feeling of smallness on small animals, even when used in closeup. ; Cute dog!
The problem I have with my dog is that he looks away when I am trying to focus on him. ; For some reason, he will be looking straight at me, but as I try to compose/focus, he looks away. ; I think there must be some aversion to the camera.


Try it with a cat...attention span of...well, a cat. ; Mine looks at me for about 1/4 second when I make a noise, sees I have the camera pointed at her, and immediately looks away. ; Either that, or walks towards me and sticks her nose in the camera lens. ; It isn't easy. ; With my dog, at least if I made a 'What's that?' in a whispery urgent tone, he'd throw up his ears and stare intently for a few seconds listening and looking for something...enough to snap a shot. ; The cat responds to 'What's that' by darting off towards a window to look for a squirrel...no delay or pause at all. ; I've learned to get shots of the cat closeup requires being AT the window waiting when she gets there!
The wildflowers I think may have peaked at the Preserve....

But the water has brought lots of Damselflies. ; And one Dragonfly:


28-105D, @105mm, f/4.5, in the macro zone
Great shots everyone. ; Jeff, I am so loving the whole puppy thing. :-*

Got this shot yesterday by laying flat on my belly in the middle of the woods between my house and my neighbor's. ; If anyone knows what these little plants are, please let me know! ; They are only about 3 or 4 inches tall and grow in the woods and they look like tiny umbrellas.

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Tamron 90mm F2.8 Macro, 1/15 at F2.8, ISO3200...left it unprocessed as I liked the graininess:

