POTD - random

I am not a fan of horse racing but from that shooting location you had, I could become a fan very quickly. Nice stuff and I knew there was gonna be a panning shot in there somewhere. ;)
Thanks, Tim! I enjoy most live sporting events and Saratoga is full of tradition. It helped the day was warm but not hot and I could go over the to the backstretch. I only had the 70-200mm for my longest lens based on a recommendation from the track photographer. If I go again, I will bring the 80-400. At the shutter speeds I was shooting at, that lens would have worked fine.
Like it Scott! Well done! 256 seconds, wow!

I figured with a WDW trip coming up, I better learn how to work the D750 with a remote, ND filters and Bulb mode. Found a cool app which calculates exposures with ND filters. When I first entered in f/16, it came up with 34 minutes! I "opened" up to f/11 to get the 256 seconds or 4.3 minutes.

Looking forward to those FP+ Illuminations and Wishes locations.
The other, more popular, and easy to get to waterfall at Fillmore Glen State Park are the Cow Sheds Falls. These falls are named after the fact cows from nearby fields would go here to cool off on hot summer days. Of course, today, only people come here. I bet the cows miss this place.

Cow Sheds Ravine
by Scott Thomas, on Flickr
As August comes to a close and families prepare for the return to school, the Great New York State Fair caps the summer with a 12 day run leading up to Labor Day. Here's a photo from last year's Fair as two young breeders were showing their prized sheep in the ring.

Sheep Show
by Scott Thomas

Click the photo and links to see more from the Fair.
Some Friday Night Lights action from last night. Not bad for ISO 10,000, eh? Today's cameras are A-MAZ-ING.

here is one of mine from fillmore glen, very nice place to shoot, good water features for nd use, this is with the new camera, the sony A7rii, a resolution monster in full frame mirror less.