POTD - random

If you are a Mac owner, you should check out Intensify Pro by Macphun Software. It is on sale this weekend along with three other apps by clicking this link: http://appstore.com/mac/macphunllc


Sunset over the Seneca River in Baldwinsville, New York processed using Intensify Pro.
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John, I was sweating it out the sailboat would not make it before the sunset. Need not worry as not only did you do this once but he turned around and did it again.

This is a tethered hot air balloon giving rides at the Oswego Balloonfest. I removed the lines using Macphun's Snapheal as an Aperture plugin.

Blue Flight
by Scottwdw, on Flickr
Yeah, people feel FREE is the going rate for photography 9 times out of 10. I always ask them what they do and if they would do it for me for FREE if I gave them free publicity. That usually gives them pause but not always.