POTD - random

This photo was taken from a camera mounted above and behind the net fitted with a wide angle lens. ; I used PocketWizard Plus III Transceivers to trigger the remote camera when I pressed the shutter of the camera I was using to shoot the same action on the ice. Click the photo to see how it worked.

Remote Hockey by Scottwdw
Very cool idea Scott. I wonder if your low remote rate had to do with your release mode setting. Or did you prefocus and have the remote camera set on manual focus?

"ELinder" said:
Very cool idea Scott. I wonder if your low remote rate had to do with your release mode setting. Or did you prefocus and have the remote camera set on manual focus?


Had the camera on manual focus. ; I was telling Dave I thought the back focus was not telling the remote to wake up the camera. He found that I was correct and I should have been half pressing the TEST button on the transceiver on my camera. ; I did this at the last minute and really did not prepare as I should have. ; Won't happen next time!
"mSummers" said:
Very cool! ; I wonder if you could get one mounted right over center ice. The puck drop could be a neat shot from above

It would. Need to see if I can work the remote camera with the AF on for that first. They can lower the scoreboard only. No catwalks or such over to it.
But, if the camera ends up pointed at the white ice it will hunt with AF turned on. ; If you know the distance from ice to bottom of scoreboard and account for the height if the players and DOF, maybe pre-focusing at that distance on the ground would work better. ;
"mSummers" said:
But, if the camera ends up pointed at the white ice it will hunt with AF turned on. ; If you know the distance from ice to bottom of scoreboard and account for the height if the players and DOF, maybe pre-focusing at that distance on the ground would work better.

Oy, math! ; I thought you didn't need math with our do everything cameras? ; ;) ; When the players are on the ice, they should give enough contrast for focus lock.
A view of the Hoover Dam from the parking garage as I try to show the scale of the cement monster. For more about my Vacation Adventuring, click the photo below.

Click the photo to read the story of what happened next.

Puck Drop Surprise by Scottwdw

Dennis has already told me I should never photograph a women from below AND use a wide angle lens. ; ::) Oh, well, I think it worked okay with her being all dressed for our lovely Syracuse weather. ; :D
Wow...that's all I could say when I saw the Grand Canyon for the first time.

Lookout Studio Terrace by Scottwdw, on Flickr

Trying out a new product from Macphun called Intensify Pro which can be used as a plugin for Aperture, LR or PS and/or as a stand alone. ; Added contrast, sharpness and more depth to this photo.
It got cold down here in Florida! Here's tonight's post-cold front sunset.


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