PM2K16: Yehaa Bob & Off Kilter... THE BIG REVEAL!!!

I'm bumping this just to make sure that everyone who wants a tee (either Bob or Off Kilter or both) has their order in. The deadline is Saturday the 24th. If I get them back from the printer in time I'll let you decide if you want them mailed out or brought to PixelMania (and will mail out for anyone not attending but still wants a shirt)...

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Is the punch line "Lad I don't know where you've been but I see you won first prize"?

It's an old favorite of mine. I wasn't aware they did it at the Adventurer's Club, probably because I was always too cheap to pay for Pleasure Island admission. You can read the lyrics and download an mp3 here.
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Is the punch line "Lad I don't know where you've been but I see you won first prize"?

It's an old favorite of mine. I wasn't aware they did it at the Adventurer's Club, probably because I was always too cheap to pay for Pleasure Island admission. You can read the lyrics and download an mp3 here.

Yeah, that's the one
Called the printer... Confirmed the price at $13 per shirt... I should have them back to me by the end of next week. If that holds true then I should have plenty of time to mail them out to those that want them before PixelMania rather than at PixelMania.

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Called the printer... Confirmed the price at $13 per shirt... I should have them back to me by the end of next week. If that holds true then I should have plenty of time to mail them out to those that want them before PixelMania rather than at PixelMania.

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Sweet! I think we did paypal for you last year, right?
Yes, PayPal will be accepted, or cash at PixelMania... BUT DON'T SEND ANYTHING YET... I'd like to have the shirts in hand before anyone sends payment (not that I would add extra charges or anything, I just feel more comfortable accepting payment once I have everything finalized)...

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Got the shirts back from the printers and they are ready to be mailed out as soon as I get the mailing addresses. PayPal is probably the easiest for payment, but if you want to pay cash at pixelmania, that's fine too. So for the five that ordered shirts, just private message me your address and I'll put them in the mail on Wednesday morning.

[emoji836]️ Tim (only owe for 2 shirts due to "What the Duck" shirt trade 3 Bob, 1 Kilter)
(Tim, I have your address)

[emoji820]️ Joanie (owe for 1 Bob)

[emoji820]️ Dennis (owe for 2 - 1 Bob, 1 Kilter)
(Dennis, If you are still at the same address as last year, I have your address)

[emoji820]️ John (owe for 2 - 1 Bob, 1 Kilter)

[emoji820]️ Michael (owe for 3 Bob)

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I only ordered one size XXL Yee haa Bob t-shirt.
Can you check what you mean by I owe for two? I think I have this correct... Also how much would you like us to chip in for Bob's t-Shirt... and how do we pay using pay pal??

Sorry Joanie... had in my head that everyone that ordered a Bob shirt ordered an off Kilter shirt too... my bad, you only owe for one. As forchipping in on Bob's shirt, I figure adding $2 per shirt (to make it $15 per ordered Bob shirt)...

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If you go to the PayPal site you just need to sign up and then you can send money to people via email. If you don't want to sign up for an account, you can can just bring cash to PixelMania (or pay for part of a meal or something like that)... I'm very flexible in that regard.

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Got mine yesterday! Thanks again Jeff! Wearing mine to school on Wednesday and if all goes well I should be sitting in the lounge by 8:15!

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